Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Blind Item #11

This so deep in the closet that you would need to send in a search team to find him B list take what he can get actor who is the offspring of a permanent A+ lister in two movie fields loves trotting out names of women he is dating. Last month there was a name of one actress and this month it is another. Sometimes there are photos of a date, but more often than not it is just a story floated by his PR team.


  1. sandybrook3:31 AM

    Scott Eastwood

  2. HG Tells3:40 AM


  3. austin3:40 AM

    Since Patrick Schwarzenegger is acting now too, I'll mention him.

  4. French girl3:42 AM

    Patrick Schwarzenegger

  5. MontanaMarriott3:45 AM

    With Poppa Eastwood being both an A+ actor and director,( 2 movie fields)

  6. Hot Cola3:50 AM

    Scott Eastwood

  7. cebii4:22 AM

    I'll say Scott Eastwood. A quick search showed he's "flirty" with Hillary Duff last night and nothing about Patrick dating.

  8. The dimmocrat vindictive snowflakes would love this to be Eastwood but it's not
    It's Patrick Schwarzenegger

  9. Nope Scott Eastwood not gay

  10. Shalene6:00 PM

    Exactly!!! You'll find they love to pick on, harp about their past wrong doings from 20yrs ago...and even straight out lie about anyone that is a republican or religious conviction.

    Clint Eastwood

    Kirk Cameron even I don't care for Kirk but they go too far. Kirk tried to witness to a cute gay friend of mine. My friend said he was nice and just seemed really worried for him. They tried to call him gay.

    Tim Tebow they tried to say was GAY because he talked to only men and not women at a spa. Well those dummies didn't think that really religious guys will not talk to woman out of respect for their husband's.

    Mark wahlberg they harp on him beating a guy 30yrs ago. Which even the guy mark beat has forgiven Mark.

    Taylor lutner- they say he's GAY because he was seen talking with one gay at a party. Even though he's said he isn't gay and wouldn't hide if he was. Luckily he doesn't even care. He's a good catholic boy.

    Adam Sandler- I mean who could hate Adam... but they do.

  11. Shalene6:03 PM

    Patrick maybe
    Eastwood I know isn't gay. But again keep haten

  12. S.D.AUNTIE7:15 PM

    @shalene. Sorry but lots of good catholucs are gay . I went to Catholic school for 12 years and 80 percent of the guys i grew up with are gay, along with a few females. There is nothing wrong with it but being on the down low is. Sorry, Taylor is gay and so is Scott. Nobody gives a rats ass about Kirk Cameron. Tim Tebow is meh and Mark is a family man with boring wife.

  13. I ate my own head10:42 PM

    Scott Eastwood is totally not gay. You people need a gaydar adjustment.

  14. As much as a redumblican would love for it to be Schwarzenegger? Name calling is easy, fun and a two way street!
