Thursday, December 15, 2016

Blind Item #10

This B- list one named singer who was briefly A list back in the day has been trying to get publicity using the name of someone who is permanently A list. It made me think of a time about four years ago, or maybe 5 when the B- lister wanted to make a comeback and she ended up having sex with the father of the permanent A lister because she thought he could/would help her career. Nope. He just was in it for the sex.


  1. loveless3:11 AM

    Ashanti/Beyoncé father

  2. Beyonce and her Daddy.
    The B-Lister?
    All of them

  3. SarahS3:23 AM

    Mya and Mathew Knowles

  4. longtimereader2:22 AM

    Eve had the right idea, use your fame to snag a rich husband.
