Thursday, November 17, 2016

Mr. X Blind Item #4

That foreign born former boy bander who is closeted was making out with his boyfriend inside a club. When they came out of the club, the boyfriend was relegated to his usual role of five steps behind. It was not like the former boy bander was hiding it inside the club, but apparently he thinks outside the club is too much for his fans.


  1. sandybrook3:48 AM

    A 1-D twink--I'll take Harry for this version.

  2. Is it Thursday? Then it is Niall.

  3. Sunspirit4:06 AM

    Niall Horan.

  4. GoTrollUrSelf4:10 AM

    If it's Tuesday, this must be Belgium
    If it's Wednesday, this must be Rome
    If it's Thursday this must be Montrose
    (Nineteen sixty-nine)'s_Tuesday,_This_Must_Be_Belgium

  5. Saw pap shots of Louis Tomlinson leaving a club. Not sure which one of the entourage is his bf. The ginger one?

  6. Actually I've just had a look at the pictures the fans (stalkers) posted on twitter. He's with a really handsome dark haired guy, makes more sense.

  7. Sarah5:46 AM

    Niall Horan or Louis Tomlinson

  8. I saw the pictures before this blind, and immediately wondered if the handsome guy was his bf.

  9. louisforthewin7:22 AM

    that's hot luke. he's been around for a while...he and louis go back to their school years. not sure he's his boyfriend... he's hot, tho. a few pics from inside of the club would be nice.

  10. Fatwa Phil3:21 PM

    I agree, hot Luke and Louis Tomlinson, coming out that club in LA, what a fine couple they would make if true. Always thought Louis was deep in closet and fronting with all these chicks, haha.

    I better go before the Larries descend and put a fatwa on me for daring to say Louis can fancy a man not called Harry. He he, no surprise 'Niall Horan' is their go-to answer for everything.

  11. Ha I thought the larries would be here by now too! We seem to have got away with it!

  12. Get it Louis10:13 PM

    Good for Louis Tomlinson. That dude is a hottie.

  13. June Gordon11:30 PM

    Where is this club where NOBODY has a phone? Sounds special.

  14. June Gordon11:33 PM

  15. bear cub1:25 AM

    The hilarious thing is it could be any one of the five of them. I'm thinking a few closet babies will be born as they all rush to prove their heterosexuality. Also engagements and marriages maybe. One direction indeed *wink*

  16. longtimereader2:39 AM

    I thought the irish boy was the only one not gay? There are rumours of him hooking up with girls at the karaoke t.v. show he got famous off.

  17. That's "Hot Luke".
    Still hoping for Harry as Louis' BF (no hate please, I'm exhausted from the election) but if L&H aren't together anymore, Hot Luke would make sense. He and Louis have been friends for years. (Plus he's hot.)

  18. stylish vespa12:33 AM

    Hot Luke is way hotter than Harry.
