Friday, November 25, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #9 - Anniversary Month

March 19, 2015

This is quite the quadrangle that is causing all kinds of tension and drama. It affects multiple relationships and a hit show too. The first person (JK) in the quadrangle is an actor who is A- list. He has been in some of the biggest movies of all time. He also has the unique way of being at the right place at the right time. He was an original in a television show. Not the one who made it famous but the one who made the role what it was. Versatile. Just check out his acting when he co-stars with the comic actor who takes up all the space on film and how in a quirky comedy/drama movie his crazy part was handled with just the right amount of seriousness while doing something ridiculous. Now JK has found his way into a hit show. A very hit show. It has resulted in lots of problems with the home life and at work.

JK isn’t married, but he might as well be. A very long term relationship with a woman (JF) that has also resulted in kid(s). Because JK is not around as much as perhaps he should be, JF has been meeting other people, most of them online. She met one person who is a fan of JK and the next thing you know she is being emotionally and physically blackmailed and doing things she didn’t really want to do or plan on doing with the man.

Speaking of blackmail, then you have EB. EB is a star. Foreign born as with the rest of the people in this blind. EB is being blackmailed. JK and JF know about the blackmail which is why they were a noticeable no show at a very big event involving EB. They think he should take a stand. I know, I know, but you have to remember that JK doesn’t know about the blackmailing of JF or he might be more understanding. This no show has caused a huge rift between EB and JK who used to be the best of friends. EB’s significant other has also been isolating EB and loves that JK and EB have had this falling out. It makes her job so much easier to not have prying ears and eyes and third party voices chiming in.

JK-Martin Freeman/JF-Amanda Abbington/EB - Benedict Cumberbatch


  1. Glamourboy3:37 AM

    I think we're going to need a reveal to help us to understand this reveal....blackmailed for what?

  2. Glamourboy3:39 AM

    So far, these blinds have been a disappointment....Chris Kattan uses drugs...NO.....Kristen Stewart a manipulating lesbian....NOOOOO. Hugh Grant a louse? Come on--you're going to have to work a little harder than that.

  3. MRS.K3:44 AM

    10 year anniversary so I am guessing 10 as promised the next one is WHO IS MV?!

  4. MRS.K3:44 AM

    Yeah its been lame. Who cares about Chris Kattan?

  5. Oh my! I knew it

  6. GoTrollUrSelf5:17 AM

    Once I cleaned my glasses and realized this wasn't about *Morgan* Freeman, it made a lot more sense. I was really confused.

  7. Desk hack5:51 AM

    Why the hell would anyone bitch about free entertainment? "Waaah, I want my free dirt tailored to my interests! These reveals are boring and lame! Waaah!!" If you don't like them, there's a whole wide internet out there just waiting to be explored and then complained about.

  8. Laura6:28 AM

    Well timed reveal, cause people are saying that Amanda and Martin are separated, that he's living away and Amanda even changed her handle from martanda to something else.

    But poor Amanda, if it's true. I'd think if anyone could tell a blackmailed to go screw, it would be her.

    BC was probably blackmail by that do-nothing horse-faced wife of his into marrying her otherwise he would never see his kid.

    And about Sherlock, everyone can tell Martin and Benedict seem weird with one another, that camaderie from previous seasons is gone.

    What a mess, if it's true.

  9. Sunset6:29 AM

    I have a feeling the JK stands for John Krasinski who played his part in the US version of The Office and the JF is for Jenna Fischer, who was his partner on the show?

  10. […] with a giant grain of salt, but it’s fun.  The especially juicy reveals are here, here,  here, and […]

  11. Piper7:19 AM

    lol I just died laughing

  12. morgan freeman doesn't fuck mortals

  13. Chuchu9:21 AM

    It's blinds like this why regulars no longer show. I haven't been for a long time and u see other people missing too.sad this used to be a fun site not a dumping place for pearl clutching fan girls who are grandma's not really girls.

  14. but why would Enty think MF would be "more understanding" if he knew about Amanda's situation? she cheated on him while he was away working. they're not married but it was a longterm relationship with KIDS.

  15. LOL Yeah, that helped clear up a lot for me too. Thanks for posting this!

  16. ??¿¿4:08 PM

    what are they being blackmailed about? who are blackmailers?

  17. mariaj6:21 PM

    + 122445532111

  18. TopperMadison9:29 PM

    Well, I think Mary's sideline of being an assassin to John Watson might actually put a bit more of a strain on their relationship than any cheating scandal, but that's just me. Seriously, isn't this the plot from Sherlock, Season 3: "His Last Vow"?

  19. My guess is that the reason he "wasn't around much" is he was having a REALLY good time on set filming Sherlock and spending time with Benedict instead of his wife/girlfriend/whatever.
    MF and BC went through a rough patch but they seem to be pretty close again.

  20. This is the craziest thing i have ever read. Sounds like moon-landing conspiracy, except is about british actors no one really cares about.

  21. Enty, I thought you should know that back in the day when I used to frequent those skeptic blogs on Tumblr, there used to be all these anon asks saying that "Adam/Amanda/Martin are usersleeches/bad friends and that Benedict should only hangout with JR" (because supposedly he's the only good friend Benedict has).

    It's weird/odd enough that anyone would try to isolate Benedict from Adam/Amanda/Martin and want him to hangout with ONE person.

    Seriously, go on Tumblr and look for those anon asks. They exist, I saw them, I noticed the weird pattern, it was just SO odd. It's always consistent/repetitive, always "stay away from Adam/Martin/Amanda because they are terrible people, the only true friend he has is JR."

    But I'm starting to think the person who blackmailed Amanda wasn't just some random fan, I think this part of some sort of long con. To break up the whole gang. I think those anon posts are related to the blackmailer who contacted Amanda on social media.

    I can't shake off the feeling taht the blackmailing is related to the anon posts. I think Benedict would be devastated if it turned out to be true.

    Enty. Maybe you can contact the person who tipped you off on this and ask them to look into it?

    1. THank you, Enty. I'm really sorry I know I should've pointed this out earlier but I was scared I might get hate because you're not allowed to question certain things in the fandom. BUt now I feel terrible and guilty that I didn't say anything earlier. I'm very very sorry.
