Friday, November 25, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #7 - Anniversary Month

January 8, 2015

There is a manuscript being floated around which is an unauthorized biography of a current leader of a very powerful country that is not the US. In it, a supermodel relates a story about the leader which put her in the hospital. The supermodel who gave the interview to the author is a permanent A lister. The author is using her name while his agent sells the manuscript but it is still up in the air whether she will allow her name to actually be published because she fears for her life. Our model was dating a very wealthy man. Incredibly wealthy. That is her norm. Her boyfriend’s wealth relies a great deal on the ruler of the country.

At some point the boyfriend made the ruler angry and the ruler decided the only way to make amends was by offering up the model for one night. The boyfriend explained the situation and for a fee of $2M the model agreed to spend a few hours with the ruler. The model says that she was treated very well at dinner and that her host was relaxed and interesting and she began to relax. After dinner he led her to a bedroom followed by two security men who stayed outside the bedroom.

As soon as the model and ruler entered he locked the door and turned to the model and punched her in the stomach. When she bent over from the force of the blow he grabbed her by the hair and dragged her to the bed. He pushed her over the bed and grabbed one of her arms and twisted it behind her which caused her shoulder to separate and for her to almost pass out. The ruler then raped her and sodomized her. The entire time in the bedroom from start to finish was under 30 minutes. When he finished, he unlocked the door and walked out and told the security men to take care of the model. She said she was carried to the car that brought her and she was dumped in the backseat and the car took her to the home of her boyfriend who had a doctor attend to her. The boyfriend and the model broke up the next day.

Naomi Campbell/Vladimir Putin


  1. sandybrook3:04 AM

    b/f=Prince Albert from Monaco?

  2. MontanaMarriott3:07 AM

    Gurrrrrl u don't screw with them Russian billionaires they are worse than the Arab Sheiks. At least the Arabs cut u a check the Russian will make u disappear under mysterious circumstances

  3. sandybrook3:07 AM

    she also dated a Russian named Vladimir Doronen so it could be him, but the way it's written the b/f's wealth relies on the ruler of the country.....

  4. MontanaMarriott3:08 AM

    I believe it refers to Vlad the whole Russian ties and him being bff with Putin

  5. Mrs.K3:10 AM

    Wasnt this revealed already? Or the blind was so easy everyone guesses it as this is old news for me. I find it hard to feel sorry for Naomi Campbell. She treats people like trash.

  6. Well he paid for the sex. He didn't have to rough her up like that but oh well. He treated her like the whore that she is, big deal.

  7. June Gordon3:26 AM

    "When she bent over from the force of the blow he grabbed her by the hair and dragged her to the bed."

    Vladimir would have been left holding a handful of Korean wig.

  8. French girl4:03 AM

    No body deserves to be raped

  9. GoTrollUrSelf4:57 AM

    So, what happens to Naomi after this reveal?

  10. Guesser5:49 AM

    @June Gordon, that's the first thing I thought of, always heard she was bald or closed to it. Probably another grossly exaggerated story, no one seems to know of the injury.

  11. AvaCherryVanilla5:59 AM

    The only surprise here is that Putin had some type of sexual contact ( rape) with a woman of color.

  12. I've seen this blind before, it seems like Putin was getting back at his friend by treating her that way.

  13. Penelope26:27 AM

    She abuses other people, so even if this WAS true, I don't feel that badly. She is violent, was selling herself for money (again, to a powerful man known for violence, again), and was ok with having sex with a communist leader? Dude, Naomi, you are lucky you are alive! Stupid girl, why did SHE have to have sex with somebody because her boyfriend made a mistake???? Stupid girl.

  14. June Gordon6:37 AM

    I have gossip about Miss Campbell. Not as sensational as this, but it's all I've got on her.

    One time I was flying in a Lear and the pilot told me that he had just done a flight with Naomi and Versace.

    The pilot opened the cockpit door to make sure everyone was OK and saw Versace sticking carrot sticks up Naomi's rectum as Naomi squealed in delight.

    1. I can only assume that she had an anus full of humm-ass.

  15. Hot Cola7:25 AM

    Anyone eles here to date a Russian Billioner? They are disgusting.

  16. Groovy7:57 AM

    I don't care how mean she is that's completely disgusting. I literally got sick to my stomach reading this

  17. Zilla18:00 AM

    I am almost certain she was told beforehand what to expect and likely had an opportunity to say no to it.

  18. Fuck that. Prostitutes consent to sex just like anyone else. He raped her. Rape is always illegal. Stop being an ass.

  19. Melissa9:23 AM

    If this is true, this is karma at it's finest.
    She has been NOTHING but a nasty, abusive whore her whole career.
    Now she is 50 prostituting for her bf's and being raped by politicians.
    This is the perfect example of how NOT to live your life.

  20. Guesser9:36 AM

    Of course, nobody deserves to be raped. Read the whole blind. Naomi is selling a story. She has often lied when she gets caught doing something she shouldn't be. Remember the Black Diamonds? So instead of prostituting herself, she turns it into her being a victim. If she was really victimized or feared for her life, why would she sell a story about it?

  21. This sounds like the subplot from Showgirls...

  22. Abacus11:19 AM

    Naive, but that's okay.

  23. Vlash Child11:38 AM

    A very wealthy businessman of the tribe told me that chinese wese hugely demanding and would work you to the bone. But they paid in full and ethical. I had been fighting with members of his tribe over lanes in a LA beverly hills pool.
    Since he was say very accomplished and had survived stuff like concentration camps my antics didnt phase him.
    Later we were talking, he agreed with me that certain economic things would happen so I asked what is it like to do business in China Russia, and he said above re. China.
    Russian bussiness he said was like the mafia but no kneecaps. Since I am gay he said literally if they felt cheated they would't bother with lawsuit. They killed people and cut off the balls and stuffed in mouth.
    He wasn't prejudiced at all. It also seems there is a huge racial thing there to. So people complaining about percived racial issues would not last long. His view.
    I know that when I was seriously hard up in LA literally this certain Russian charity helped me when I really needed it. No having to dance for my supper or tell my story LOL.
    Personally I am certain Russia is doing there empire thing and well America is kind not the shit anymore,no?
    There are lots of stories, the leader in question has survived things that would put the good old types in the grave or mental hospital. Think of being broke in a foreign country and no job ect. Everything is collapsing and yet he comes back. Yes there is the men the grey men but he is legend already.
    U have no clue. The US should try to be real and less diva with bad Vlad. I hope Trump helps it. Spetnaz and some of the old guard could well make this story seem childish.

  24. Rhonda11:58 AM

    Some very disturbing comments on this article. Rape is never ok, no matter who the victim is, what they're like, what they've done in their life, or if they've ever accepted payment for sex.

    Nor should this victim be named without her consent, which it sounds from the blind that she hadn't formally given at the time this was written.

  25. I ate my own head1:48 PM

    Putin is racist so I don't buy that he would do a black chick

  26. "Putin is racist so I don’t buy that he would do a black chick"

    So we're the white slave masters who raped and impregnated black slaves.... Hmmm?

  27. Guesser11:27 PM

    I of course meant Blood Diamond, that she received. Can't reply to myself either.

  28. Guesser11:32 PM

    @Zilla1, if you say no to someone like that, you are dead. Naomi continues to put herself in these situations ,though.

  29. Long Island Girl3:38 AM

    You are almost certain? Can you pick me winning lotto numbers too?

  30. Long Island Girl3:42 AM

    There are some seriously ugly people posting here.

  31. Inter racial porn is most popular in racist parts of the south. Gay porn is most popular in Utah because of all the "family values " and mormons. Just something to think about.

  32. KingCetshwayo4:00 PM

    This is what she gets for IR dating. He should have snapped her neck and threw her from a balcony to finish her off. Oh well.

  33. Robert10:39 PM

    F@ck you - I hope the same happens to you.
