Saturday, November 05, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #4 - Anniversary Month

May 31, 2007

This show has been a hotbed of drama since it began, and not just because of the juicy scripts, which usually involve plot lines about people who are not heterosexual (to tell you which gender would make it too easy). Because of its popularity, the show has attracted numerous guest stars who are either “out” or merely comfortable with a degree of sexual ambiguity. In casting circles, it has been something of a hot ticket. But of course, behind the scenes, the petty jealousies and rampant insecurities of some of the cast members have had the crew alternately walking on eggshells and rolling their eyes. So if you've ever wondered why a certain gay music icon has never had a guest starring role (and never will), it is not for lack of willingness on their part. It just so happens one of the more demanding series leads had a long term relationship with said icon that ended badly, and not only is the well-liked singer not welcome, the crew are under strict orders to immediately shut off the radio any time the singer's music comes on the air.

k.d. lang/Leisha Hailey/The L Word


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