Friday, November 04, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #4 - Anniversary Month

May 4, 2007

This aging former A list actor got his license suspended quite awhile ago and has about another year to go before he can drive legally again. He thinks he can beat the system and drive, but also knows he better not get caught. To try and appear less noticeable, our actor has an old beat up Hyundai Accent he drives around town while wearing a hat and sunglasses. **I don't think he's quite thought through the whole getting out of the car thing though.**

Nick Nolte


  1. So funny! He thinks nobody will recognize him if he drives a Hyundai?

  2. Elise6:22 AM

    The old beat up car is a good match for the way he typically dresses and grooms himself, if the most recent photos I've seen of him are anything to go by. So it probably is a good disguise for him, but not a good idea to drive on a suspended license.
