Monday, November 07, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #2 - Anniversary Month

December 14, 2007

This Idol star is in negotiations with an adult magazine to shed her good girl image and to reveal all in an upcoming pictorial. Right now there is a $2M offer sitting on the table.

Katharine McPhee (would have been interesting to see how her career would have changed if she had accepted)


  1. sandybrook1:05 AM

    She didn't do it.

  2. Zilla11:17 AM

    I think her affair pretty much gave her the anti-goody-goody image she was seeking, just not in the way she wanted.

  3. blahblah1:21 AM

    Totally thought this was Kelly Clarkson

  4. Guesser1:55 AM

    Was sheever a good girl?

  5. AndrewBW2:45 AM

    It's not too late for Kate!

  6. Eric J.4:11 AM

    Maybe Smash would have gotten a third season.

  7. Anderson Likes It in the Pooper4:15 AM

    She should have done it. She's hot, she puts out. What's not to like? She knows what to do to stay relevant. There is no morality in Hollywood

    She should have been singing on cruise ships around 2009.

    I call her savvy

  8. BugBarbeque4:18 AM

    Good God, why couldn't it have been Pickler

  9. I ate my own head5:38 AM

    Her voice is horrendous, naked pics can't fix that screech.

  10. Shut Up!6:52 AM

    Katherine McPhee had to be paying the original Enty. He really did try to make her happen by putting her in so many blinds.

  11. Penelope24:45 AM

    She doesn't have a good girl image. She just looks incredibly boring and vanilla, but everyone knows she is classless.
