Monday, November 14, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #1

October 30, 2016

I have written about the manager of this A+ list singer before, but things are spiraling out of control and honestly, if the singer ever does decide to break free, I wouldn’t be surprised to see her end up dead.

Mariah Carey


  1. Guys...that s nasty but do you really think she will realise she is going to be KO with all that wine in her blood stream? Im not sure she understands where she is and if its monday or tuesday..

  2. You lost me regarding the manager. Is the manager being blamed for her drinking issues?

  3. Mop top1:15 AM

    Who is her manager?

  4. GoTrollUrSelf1:20 AM

    I think the manager is an enabler and is controlling Mimi's life, according to her Lambs all over the internet.
    Manager's name is Stella Bulochnikov and she's been managing Mimi since she fired all of her long-time staff in some sort of shake up.
    The lambs seem to think she's Machiavelli, Brit tabloids often call her The Dictator.

  5. this stella looks like mimi's alcoholic buddy w/o money for face grooming...
    just like aniston w/ avino & handler w/o avino ...

  6. Hot Cola5:34 AM

    The manager looks like the evil witch from the west, in photos. Clue: people who look evil despite efforts to look "good" are probably hiding something..

  7. Melissa8:19 AM

    Mimi needs a YES person around her at all times. She now has one and she will pay dearly. She will be DEAD broke within this decade. Watch for the selling off of assets within the next year. She can't sell records, she can't hit the notes which made her famous therefore she cannot really tour. No sane man will marry her and if he wants to her crazy 'manager' will ruin it.
    Mimi is entering a long downward spiral which may end similar to Whitney just exchange the coke and crack for booze and pills.

  8. Shorny3:41 AM

    The manager looks like a bratz doll.
