Monday, November 14, 2016

Blind Item #9

This B-/C+ list celebrity offspring in a big acting family tried to come out as bisexual to her dad a few years ago and her dad took her to a bible camp for two months so she could pray it away. Since that obviously didn't work, now they just don't talk about her lifestyle choices.


  1. TiggyTea2:47 AM

    Willow Smith

  2. Snookiemonster2:50 AM

    Baldwins daughter. Hailey or Ireland

  3. sandybrook2:50 AM


  4. Guesser3:01 AM

    Probably Stephen's daughter Hailey.

  5. GoTrollUrSelf3:06 AM

    I don't think bisexuality has been considered a "lifestyle choice" for a while now.
    I agree with Guesser about Hailey Baldwin, daughter of Stephen.

  6. texasrose3:14 AM

    if Willow wouldn't it have been seaorg??

  7. S.D.AUNTIE3:47 AM

    What Bible camp would Will Smith send his daughter to??? Does COS even read the bible?? I dont think so

  8. So sad people like this don't realize being gay is from your DNA.
    It's not a choice; and praying it away sounds stupid.
    As in, I am/they are having a heart attack, let's pray it away!

  9. Maybe that's what those dormitory rooms (cells) are for at their compound in Riverside, CA.

  10. Hey Enty... Being gay is not a "lifestyle choice." Deciding to relocate to the South of France is a lifestyle choice. Eating every meal out in a restaurant is a lifestyle choice. Being born gay is not.

  11. boishglamorpuss7:29 AM

    think Enty's referring to the father choosing to call it a "lifestyle choice".

  12. Zilla19:15 AM

    No, because they aren't technically members of COS.

  13. back again11:13 AM

    Steve Baldwin's OTHER daughter, Alaia Baldwin..born in 1993

  14. back again11:31 AM

    ...just don't tell Alaia's FIANCE Andrew Aronow.......sooooo,nevermind.

  15. back again11:38 AM

    +1 with @Snookiemonster & @Guesser....back to the known daughter,Hailey....i guess I could check if she went MIA for a couple of months a few years ago but I could care less..

  16. President-elect Sanders12:12 PM


  17. Actually...11:49 PM

    Most of you are repeating a tired myth, which recent studies have disproven. Gender is not a choice, sexual orientation is. Go Google it. You can keep repeating the myth if it makes you feel better, but it isn't based in fact.

  18. Actually... no12:05 AM

    Sexual orientation isn't a choice, Actually. I don't know what bogus "studies" you're quoting, but I can tell you from my own experience that it's real and inate, not chosen.

  19. bubbles12:27 AM

    So millions of people around the world are choosing an orientation that will get them persecuted and murdered? Yeah, that makes sense.

  20. Well now I feel like an asshole. Have a nice day!!

  21. Actual Science and Common Sense3:39 AM

    Actually... you're a fucking moron and actually you know nothing about science or sexual orientation or much of anything at all. Do stop by again sometime after you actually get an education.

    In the meantime, please proceed to the nearest grease fire and jump right in. No one will lift a finger to stop you.

  22. Malibuborebee3:44 AM

    For the stupid people, yes this post was mine.

    Duhhhhhhhhh god only knows how you people get through the day.

  23. Derek Harvey,, Closted Heterosexual4:12 AM

    Amen Brother

    Malibu Borbee, tell us more about your fake dead kid.
