Friday, November 04, 2016

Blind Item #7

This A list mostly movie actor who will never get an Oscar nomination is in one of those periods where he abstains from drinking. It must have just started because he was being miserable to everyone at a charity event the other night.


  1. Tricia131:33 AM

    Vince Vaughn

  2. Tricia131:35 AM

    Maybe at a Cubs event?

  3. Sandy1:45 AM

    Jamie Dornan?

  4. HG Tells2:26 AM

    Chris Pratt

  5. elle b2:36 AM

    Vin Diesel

  6. Jim Carey

  7. Vin Diesel is a great guess and may be whom Enty is referring to, but he can act. Watch Boiler Room and Find Me Guilty. If Sly can get a nom, Diesel can to. Shut up with the Chris Pratt guess. That guy can do anything.

  8. anonymous4:21 AM

    Channing Tatum.

  9. Anna From Savannah5:04 AM

    Ralph Fiennes. He's a major Indians fan.

  10. Pink Escada5:57 AM

    Hasn't he been nominated? He's a fine actor.

  11. back again7:18 AM

    +1--i like this guess-the other night at the Fulfillment Fund Salute...although I could see him being nominated for an Oscar--he was close in 'Foxcatcher' & he's got years ahead of him.
    I think you got it but I also call BS on the Blind.

  12. Anna From Savannah9:36 AM

    I was totally joking, Pink! Yes, he has been nominated twice, but hasn't won anything yet. He hangs out in Manhattan sometimes and goes to obscure burger joints. Unfortunately, I can't find them or him! The cops would have to use the Jaws of Life to remove me from his waist! Adore him.

  13. whoknew10:47 AM

    Come on folks this is Johnny Depp, who was at a charity event in LA the other night, signing guitars. He actually looked decent, so maybe he has stopped drinking.

    Only Enty forgets he already has one Oscar nom, for Sweeney Todd I believe. Won't get another any time soon for sure.

  14. rdmtimp11:43 AM

    Actually he has 3 noms - the first Pirates movie, Finding Neverland and Sweeney Todd.

  15. TopperMadison11:19 PM

    Depp is too good of an actor to say he'll never get an Oscar. If he cleans himself up and focuses, he could be an amazing character actor for the rest of his life.

    This sounds like an action star.
