Friday, November 18, 2016

Blind Item #6

His band mates don't know but this former A+ list tweener turned singer is back on drugs.


  1. Tricia1312:01 AM

    Joe Jonas/DNCE

  2. mariaj12:04 AM

    So, he has been sober for, what, 5 minutes?

    ( the drugs anyway don't stop him to make the i am STRAIGHT and i LOVE BOOBS thing over and over again, so, please, go to rehab, do anything but disappear, please )

  3. mariaj12:05 AM

    Joe Jonas, btw

  4. Tricia1312:07 AM

    I thought he looked good last live performance he did- fit and clear eyed... he's performing Sunday night at the American Music Awards so we'll see...

  5. RandomGuy12:10 AM

    You're prolly right but didn't we just have a blind about how he left a girl he was dating to have a bad experience so he could go off and do his own drugs?

  6. Snookiemonster12:14 AM

    Macauley Culkin

  7. Hothotheat12:17 AM

    I like the Caulkin guess.

  8. Tricia1312:19 AM

    I don't remember that one but totally could be... ?i wonder if he and Gigi broke up over drugs but according to blinds she does them too?

  9. Culkin was an A+child actor not sure about a tweener though?

  10. And then in the next blind he is clean again.

  11. longtimereader2:28 AM

    They broke up because the p.r. contract ended.

  12. JoeJohnas2:52 AM

    Wonder if they're gonna kick him out of the band like intended in the last blind. A promise this big is only as good as the person that makes it!

  13. AyyyPapi3:20 AM

    The band don't know about Joe's addiction?

    But a month ago we had a blind stating that a member had threatened to kick him out of the band if he didn't clean up his act.

    0/10 Enty.

  14. Brooke5:17 AM

    I think they know but thought he stopped. It was never said what drugs he does - I'm curious?

  15. mariaj5:58 AM

    If this is Joe, the band doesn't know that he started to use AGAIN...

  16. co-sign : go to rehab, have a great life but disappear, please....
    music will survive w/o u...

  17. John Paterson8:02 AM

    Marijuana, most likely. People who do marijuana tend towards inertness. He probably wasn't showing up for rehearsals or practices or showing up to write the songs.

    I haven't heard of him going crazy, so it's not like bath salts or crack.
