Friday, November 11, 2016

Blind Item #6

She seems embarrassed bu there is no reason to be. This still technically married foreign born A- list mostly movie actress who seemingly starred in one type of movie while married is dating someone not old enough to drink. Yes, her daughter is not that far in age from the boyfriend but everyone says the actress has never been happier, so good for her. Plus, her ex is an a-hole who deserves some payback.


  1. Bonham Carter whatever lol.. zzzz her name

  2. Tricia1312:07 AM

    Kate Beckinsale/Len Wiseman (if not officially divorced)

  3. Tricia1312:09 AM

    Her daughter is 17 so BF wouldn't be legal to drink

  4. Think Tricia got it

  5. Lurky McLurkster12:11 AM

    So, when it is a female celeb it is "good for her" but when it is a male celeb it is creepy?

  6. GoTrollUrSelf12:28 AM

    To me it's creepy regardless of gender.

  7. back again12:33 AM

    If he's 17 yrs. old and Kate is 43 yrs. old then it's creepy- sounds like the ol' schoolteacher and bad boy student fantasy playing out(if she were a teacher her ass would be arrested though)

  8. You got this.Good for Kate!

  9. Enty didn't say the boy was the same age as her daughter, so probably 20. Some college kid.

  10. Maybe she doesn't swallow

  11. Guesser12:44 AM

    He probably means under 21, but the age difference at that age is creepy when you have a child that age. Makes me think of someone competing with their child for dates.

  12. back again12:52 AM

    it was weird enough when my sister and I had similiar aged boyfriends...I can't even imagine my mother throwing her hat into that ring too.

  13. Hothotheat12:54 AM

    Depennds on the country. 21 to drink in the US but a foreign born actress wouldbe dating a 15 year old in other countries.
    I agree this is creepy.

  14. Toppermadison1:02 AM

    I dated a 21 year old when I was 28. I felt ANCIENT. The boy still (jokingly) spoke in baby talk to his teddy bear. Yeah, not sexy. I really don't see the appeal of younger men.

  15. S.D.AUNTIE1:18 AM

    @lurky. Yes it is creepy and an obvious double standard. Hope whoever it is gets over it and starts counseling. So many female teachers are doing the same But they get arrested. Strange trend indeed.

  16. Hot Cola11:27 AM

    Kate Bekinsale and good for her! Get it Kate

  17. No double standard12:47 PM

    This is a US website, written for a mostly US audience, and there's nothing to say this blind isn't set in the US - it probably means under 21, whatever the drinking age is in her country of birth. I doubt it would be written like this if the guy was 17.

  18. I can't with the young guys and it is just weird to date someone close to your child's age. I'm with Guesser-don't swim in the same pool as the kiddies

  19. SnarkIsFun2:01 AM

    Why the hell would anyone want to be with someone that much younger (or older)? You have nothing in common, & it would be boring as hell. It's enough that I have to parent my children (although I love them to the ends of the earth & do so joyfully) - why the hell would I want to date someone the same age?!?
