Tuesday, November 08, 2016

Blind Item #5

Some of it is genes, but most of it is not eating and using drugs to stay thin for this actress offspring of a permanent A lister. another downside is she a looks a decade older than the teen she is.


  1. MontanaMarriott11:50 PM

    Lilly Rose Depp?

  2. Stress is the reason of weight lose and all know who caused it.
    Decade older ? She looks younger than average American teenager.

  3. Alistdiva1:09 AM

    I feel bad for her, her father and mother broke up, then he quickly marries that younger skank, and she drags his name through the mud. It has to be hard having your parent criticized in the media and by strangers!

  4. sandybrook1:35 AM

    I don't think Johnny Depp has ever been called permanent A lister here. &n fact he was A-list lately. Sofia Ritchie has 4 acting credits, so I'll take her.

  5. Zoe Kravitz?

  6. Lololol just realized I'm permanent stuck in the early 2000's. she's almost 30. JK.
