Sunday, November 27, 2016

Blind Item #4

His wife had to wait patiently OUTSIDE their car, while this foreign born A- list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner/nominee spent an hour applying makeup just perfectly for a quick photo op. The application of the makeup took twice as long as the appearance.


  1. Tricia1311:35 PM

    Eddy Redymayne meeting the Dutchess of Cornwall?

  2. S.D.AUNTIE12:05 AM

    Hi Trisha, why does he have to wear makeup and a wig?

  3. Tricia1312:11 AM

    Hey@S.D.Auntie:) I haven't a clue lol- I saw a pic and he looked totally normal to me(with Camilla)- but then I've seen him at times(on Ellen definitely ) and he was working some blush and glossy lips I'm pretty sure....???

  4. IKilledJennySchecter12:40 AM

    He icks me out. I imagine him as our worst fears of Bryan Singer by way of Buffalo Bill as envisioned by Ryan Murphy. It's his face. Pure nightmare fodder there. He should play Freddy Kruger

  5. MrsbellaJ12:49 AM

    I'm pretty sure I would divorce his ass. He sounds way too high maintenance and inconsiderate.

  6. Zilla11:53 AM

    I can't stand him, he icks me out too.

  7. longtimereader2:13 AM

    Agreed, he creeps me out too.

  8. hollygarland2:37 AM

    eddy redmayne. yes, he is creepy.

  9. Sarah3:21 AM

    He is so odd looking and creeps me out too:/

  10. NovaNightly3:33 AM

    Covering up the sh*t ton of freckles he has. That takes time. lol...

  11. Sadie5:54 AM

    Redcarpet's creepy. And isn't that a wig? And didn't he and Seth Myers buy from the same store because they have identical (unbelievable) hair?

  12. Hortensia5:58 AM

    Eddie is adorable! You all leave my Eddie alone!

  13. Hot Cola11:26 AM

    That's why these type have by tjier sides weak, submissive woman @MissBellaJ,
    I would lough out loud and walk away.

  14. Hot Cola11:28 AM

    *These types,
    *Have weak woman by their sides,

    Don't know what happened to my spelling there.
