Sunday, November 13, 2016

Blind Item #3

Speaking of closeted, there is a Republican from one of the I29 states that rails against gay rights but is about to be exposed by his longtime staffer who is also his secret boyfriend.


  1. Tricia1311:03 PM

    John Kasich?

  2. Mr Cellophane11:13 PM

    please be Mike Pence

  3. That would be awesome - I can see it, his wife pings my gaydar a bit...

  4. Anderson Likes It In the Pooper11:35 PM

    Not even close Tricia. I 29 runs from KC up to North Dakota.

    That being said, I'm not throwing any spaghetti at the wall as I have no clue.

  5. Salaam11:37 PM

    John Thune

  6. Ettacettera11:43 PM

    Haha..looks like '129 states'..dunno, don't care..whoozit's the least of problems

  7. I29 states are MO, IA, SD & ND, although KS, NE &MN are barely a stone's throw from I29.

  8. oh wouldn't that just be the icing on the cake?! lol. i wouldn't be surprised by anything anymore. this world is topys turvy.

  9. *** topsy turvy.

  10. GoTrollUrSelf12:43 AM

    The only people who'll be shocked are his fellow republicans - the prayer breakfast ones, especially. This has become practically expected from anti-gay politicians. They really should self-loathe on their own time.

  11. I think that was supposed to just say 29. I think there are 29 states that have laws like that.

  12. sandybrook1:18 AM

    Guessing Entern can't read a map and saying Scott Walker--Wisconsin.

  13. Three are 29 States where it is legal to fire gay people, not hire people because they are gay, deny gay people rental housing and loans... the list goes on and on...

  14. Brainy10:53 AM

    If it's "29 states" and not " I29 States" then I'll say Lindsay Graham from SC.

  15. religiouslyconfused3:40 PM

    I think you might be onto something. There was a post on the DL where someone mentioned a rumor a few years back that he was gay. He has been in a 32 year marriage to his wife, but who knows if that is just an arrangement or he is allowed to cheat on his wife with men.

  16. Camal1910:53 PM

    How is this a secret? Hillary's been hiding in the closet for years, and has had her girlfriend Huma for the last 13 years or more. I don't think whether someone is gay or straight should matter. It's sad that people still feel is won't be acceptable if they come out of the closet. Only thing is...once they actually come out, no one really cares.

  17. June Gordon1:19 AM

    Camal19: The point went right over your dizzy little head darling.

    This is about an "anti-gay" male politician who likes the sex where the man goes up into the man.

  18. June Gordon1:36 AM

    I'm hearing from a lot of people that Mike Pence is a cum-freak. I don't know if that's true. But a lot of people are saying that.

  19. peopleselbow3:46 AM

    It's John Thune. I 29 state, voted against gay marriage and has a lot of rumors about him.

    Man, the guesses here have been incredibly bad as of late. I know people are angry but come on !

  20. RenShaw4:09 AM

    He rails against gays while gay himself. That's the issue. And yes, many dems too are gay but not in the open. But wouldn't it be nice if it was no longer an issue. In another dimensions maybe.

  21. RenShaw4:12 AM

    +1 more on John Thune

  22. Jess Sayin'11:45 AM

    I'm guessing that the Entern knows the difference between a Governor (Walker) and a Senator (whomever this is about), though.

  23. religiouslyconfused9:42 AM

    Another option is Kevin Cramer R-ND.

  24. religiouslyconfused9:42 AM

    Though I still think it is John Thune.

  25. religiouslyconfused8:59 PM
