Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Blind Item #3

This former A- list reality star turned bizarrely spending whatever is left of her money is getting paid by all type of white nationalist movement groups because she still has a much bigger platform than any of them. She loves doing it.


  1. sandybrook11:02 PM

    Tila Tequila

  2. sandybrook11:03 PM

    Just had her Twitter account banned for hate posting.

  3. Guesser11:13 PM

    Someone needs to break it to her that she isn't white.

  4. Zilla111:26 PM

    You're still Asian, not white, Tila. Idiot.

  5. Zilla111:27 PM

    Sorry, Guesser, didn't see your post when I posted.

  6. austin11:33 PM

    Describing Tila Tequila in 2016 as "still has a much bigger platform" cracks me up ;)

    It looks like she has 2 Twitter accounts. She's bragging on the 2nd one that's she's "still here".


  7. Guesser11:51 PM

    @Zilla1,are you getting the disappearing comments as well? I've tried putting a comment as a reply to someone, and the comment is gone! I know some people still can reply, but I can't and I know some others can't.@austin, that she has a bigger platform than a white supremacists group is I guess, a good thing? Because that must mean they don't have a big following.

  8. austin12:00 AM

    Exactly. It just tickled me to see Tila and 'platform' in the same sentence :)

    BTW, I have trouble with comments showing up too and figured out a work around. When you go into a thread, if you refresh the page a time or two or three, it usually brings the comments still lurking in the background to the surface.

  9. AndrewBW12:17 AM

    Tila Tequila. There's a heavy hitting spokesperson. I hope they waste a whole lot more money paying her.

  10. Cherry12:28 AM

    What platform? Whores and the men who love them?

  11. She should shut up and go back to working at a 'special ' massage parlor.

  12. And don't forget she is a "mom",with a young daughter.poor tyke.

  13. parissucksliterally1:09 AM

    When the hell was she EVER CLOSE to A- list? Even with your skewed rating system , Tila Tequila was a C at BEST.


  14. I am frankly surprised she is still alive. And I say that in the kindest way possible :(

  15. GoTrollUrSelf1:37 AM

    How bizarre for both parties. Talk about cognitive dissonance.

  16. Back during her MTV days she was probably B+ at least.

  17. Wendy6:01 AM

    Who has her child? I hope it's not her. I wonder if she had an STD that made it way to her brain and messed her up.

    She definitely has some type of mental illness.
