Tuesday, November 08, 2016

Blind Item #10

The super religious reality family complained to an owner of a franchise of a worldwide sandwich chain and got an employee fired because the employee is gay. Apparently the family also owns part of this franchise or the owner is related. It is a little unclear about that portion, but crystal clear in all else.


  1. Tricia133:00 AM

    The Duggars/ Subway?

  2. Tricia133:01 AM

    Could also be Duck Dunasty/The Roberstons

  3. sandybrook3:03 AM

    Ducks Dynasty/Blimpies

  4. elle b3:03 AM

    duggars/ chick a fil

  5. Salaam3:19 AM

    It wasn't an official company event, but I remember some chick Fil A's had "Chick-Phil-A" Day when Phil Robertson from Duck Dynasty got in a jam.

  6. Henry3:23 AM

    Subway was the #2 worldwide fastest growing food chains a couple years ago. I don't think Chick a Fil is international at this point, only domestic.

  7. I voted3:23 AM

    I hope the ex-employee sues for discrimination.

  8. Dutch4:27 AM

    The fired employee should sue

  9. cebii4:34 AM

    depends on where it happened - it's legal to fire someone for being gay in Texas. Of course, if it became widespread the entire state government would cease to funtion...

  10. cebii4:34 AM

    function :-/

  11. back again5:04 AM

    seriously? wtf Texas.

  12. Valky5:06 AM

    Wasn't the wife of the eldest Bates kid working at someplace like that when they met? Perhaps there's a connection there.

  13. They may be religious; but they are not Christian.

  14. It's legal in 29 States.

  15. Trapped in AR6:57 AM

    Duggars are in Arkansas, which not only allows people to be fired for being LGBTQ, but prevents local laws from being passed to protect from this type of discrimination.

  16. Chick fil a isn't a franchise. Unless Enty is using the term lightly, can't be them.

  17. Antonio1:47 PM

    Wow did not know that. Why aren't we working to destroy laws such as these? I know they won't get down with the new Prez, guess can only hope for 2020. Also on a side note most of all the guys I see working at Chickfila are gay so what's up with that? This was before the big hoopla about the ceo not liking them. Ironic. Too bad those states that have those laws make in uninhabitable for people with open minds to move in.

  18. Caroline2:29 PM

    I remember reading a story a few months ago that Michelle Duggar got one of the crew on her show fired for being gay too. It was hushed up by transferring him elsewhere with a pay rise.
