Sunday, October 02, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #8

September 24, 2016

This co-host who bailed on one show for another should be careful what he says. His network bosses have an easy out clause and then he will be stuck doing only one show for half the year. I’m guessing someone would sign him up for a reality gig and he may be setting that up with his current promotional narrative.

Michael Strahan


  1. Never got his appeal.

  2. Derek Harvey4:01 AM

    Nailed it

  3. Derek's Anal Beads4:16 AM

    Ditto, gurl.

  4. Barbara RiceHand4:53 AM

    That was easy. Nailed it. Should of stayed on Live.

  5. Dereks Mommy5:01 AM

    NO you did not! Tricia did. Check again asswipe.

  6. Derek Harvey5:13 AM

    ACTUALLY, she guessed Michael Weatherly at 9:15 am. I guessed Strahan at 9:15 am. She then changed her answer to Strahan at 9:16 am-hoping to appear to be first-(does that often) to fool morons like you that can not read.

  7. Dereks Delusional Aunt Winnie(from Duluth).5:34 AM

    Yes, we are all fooled I guess . We can see that from her nailing the other reveals today like most other days.
    Nephew stick to punching in and out time cards at Von's and not scorecards, please. It's embarrassing.

  8. Derek Harvey5:41 AM

    She guessed on 6 and nailed 3---but you can continue to worship at her alter all you want....

  9. bitchplease6:02 AM

    she guessed on 6 and got 5 right- not that anyone is counting like you but when you call people morons you better not be one yourself. which you are.

  10. more Petty than Lori6:04 AM

    You mean being first answering a blind is that important to your apparently moronic day to day life than you track, to the minute, what and when you post something? I don't think any of us fully grasped exactly how pathetic you are until we read that.

  11. Derek Harvey6:08 AM

    She got 7, 6, 5 and 3. Nothing special considering...

  12. Derek Harvey6:08 AM

    it says the time on the post moron...

  13. Derek Harvey6:09 AM

    *4 out of 6

  14. more Petty than Lori6:12 AM

    That it matters that much to you really proves who puts the "M" in moron, Mderek.

  15. Zilla16:13 AM


  16. Derek Harvey6:17 AM

    I simply announced I nailed it. You are the one going on and on and on and on as per usual....

  17. bitchplease6:42 AM

    " simply" announced you nailed it . what then were your -we know how you looooooooooove time stamps-posts at 12:13 pm, 12:41 pm, 1:08(and 1:09) pm about then?oh- just trying to beat people over the head with a bat that you are right, right? (which you rarely are)per usual.
    why bother smdfh ?

  18. Derek Harvey6:45 AM

    I was replying to "people" aka YOU--so dumb...

  19. Oh, Derek, PLEASE stop responding to the idiots. I get it, it's hard when you just want to punch someone stupid in the face. But it makes them feel special, and then they NEVER GO AWAY.

  20. sandybrook7:49 AM

    Let's see another meltdown by the board freak, the only freak on this board, again tonight. I'll check back tomorrow to see how classic this one is. And how many aliases he pulls out of his pathetic ass this week to back up his idiocy.

  21. Advice for Dericks douche aliases8:04 AM

    Wait-so arguing strenuously to be first on a blind about an asshole like Strahan is a shining example of intelligence? OKAY Malibu. We were sure you'd make an appearance before the BIG ONE lmfao. We saw how smart and clever he is and how Dumb the rest of us are on the last reveal and comments

  22. blahblah8:07 AM

    Gdi. Im out of popcorn
    Do not disappoint, shitlord

  23. Hopefully Derick, "Mali ", OKay(whatever fits better), Sasha , go away will all make n appearance! Course- they are VERY DIFFERENT commentators, mind you !!

  24. And "Bill". How to forget "him/her"?

  25. Cherry8:20 AM

    Just whip out your dicks and see who is the biggest dick?

  26. +100000000000

  27. Dericks Scorecard8:56 AM


  28. Honeybunny8:59 AM

    I guess Kelly is still mad and still putting out false stories about him. Not mad he took a better job and stepped up. Too bad, so sad Kelly.

  29. Guesser9:15 AM

    Kelly was mad because she was blind sided. She is partly responsible for his success, and the network is for some reason giving him multiple shows. The personality he showed with Kelly comes across fake due to the fallout, which made her look bad at first, but they turned him into a diva and they may want out now.

  30. dazzle10:09 AM

    never liked this guy at all & don't understand what the networks see in him.

  31. I ate my own head10:33 AM

    He has zero curb appeal. Boring. You could replace him with robot and I wouldn't notice the difference.

  32. Canadagal11:45 AM

    Wtf Hilary attacks a 12 yr old rape victim and mocks her? She us friiggin evil
    Hillary Clinton is “lying” when she says she stands for women, declared the victim of a brutal childhood rape whose assailant was defended by the Democratic presidential candidate despite Clinton later divulging she believed that her client was guilty.
    Clinton laughed about her role in the case during a taped interview in the mid 1980s.


    During the trial, Clinton questioned the motives of Kathy Shelton, who was 12 when she was violently attacked by 41-year-old drifter Thomas Alfred Taylor.

    As part of her defense, Clinton went after Shelton’s credibility. She wanted Shelton to be psychiatrically evaluated for her emotional stability, claiming the child had exhibited “a tendency to seek out older men and engage in… fantasizing.”

    Clinton argued that “children in early adolescence tend to exaggerate or romanticize sexual experiences and that adolescents with disorganized families, such as the complainant, are even more prone to such behavior.”

    In an exclusive sit-down interview with the Daily Mail, Shelton stated of Clinton’s role in the case; “It’s put a lot of anger back in me.”

  33. Stacey11:46 AM

    I never did understand why they gave him the job as cohost

  34. Hall Monitor12:21 PM

    Snopes calls this story mostly bullshit. Did your redneck uncle Verne tell you all this?

  35. You rang, asshole?

  36. Sickofitall2:54 AM

    Haha good one. Too many redneck Uncle Vernes in the world. I live in a colony of them. Kentucky sucks.

  37. Derek Needs Validation5:58 AM

    You're such a loser haha

  38. Hilary's Left Nut5:35 PM

    Oh, Donald, go home and grab your wife by the pussy. That's your thing, right?



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