Sunday, October 30, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #6

October 19, 2016

One actress who was not invited to a charity event the other night was this A list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner. She would have been invited but said she would rather do anything on earth than to have to sit at the same table as a former co-star.

Anne Hathaway/Kate Hudson


  1. I don't blame AnnE one bit!

  2. Why didn't the charity organizers just seat them at different tables instead of leaving the bigger star off the guest list then? Makes no sense.

  3. texasrose4:04 AM

    Was this the event where Kate allegedly banged Toby??

  4. Didn't Kate hook up with Chris Martin too? Looks like she has a thing for her friend husbands.

  5. Hot Cola6:14 AM

    Kate allegedly banged everybody except the right people who bad mouth her everywhere and stopped giving her any decent roles.

  6. Anna From Savannah6:32 AM

    Anne is more beautiful and vastly more talented. Unfortunately, her mother's name is not Goldie.

  7. whoknew7:11 AM

    As has been posted here, Anne has posted thank you pics of gifts and flowers Kate has sent her in the past on her Instagram. They aren't best friends but are not enemies. Facts please.

  8. Dumblesnore11:51 AM

    Likely Anne is jealous because she has the face of a horse and a boring personality (interviews are painful to read). Kate is bubbly and cute, gotta be hard for a theater dork horse face.

  9. marlo8:18 PM

    Kate pretends with her cute shtick, she's an imbecile with the maturity of an 11 year old.
    And she looks like she was hit in the face with a frying pan, and then somebody stole her lips.
