Saturday, October 15, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #4

July 27, 2016

All studio executives do when talking about this A-/B+ list mostly movie actress who is a celebrity offspring is her weight. She is out promoting a new movie right now and they actually have come up to her and asked if she couldn’t lose some weight. She looks great.

Bryce Dallas Howard


  1. Sunspirit2:07 AM

    I think she looks great! So was this for Pete's Dragon? If so it'll be the Disney corp.

  2. Khaleesi2:33 AM

    I love bdh. She looks great. And she actually has talent.

  3. She looks fantastic! They should leave her alone.

    I wonder if they do that just to assassinate her confidence and control her.

  4. June Gordon2:44 AM

    Call me a health nut but I like to be THIN!

    She should do her some meth. She dont got to slam it to drop a few. Just a couple HUGE snorts an hour before each meal. It's like magic y'all!!!!

  5. Sadie2:52 AM

    She has gained a lot of weight but she's still beautiful. She has a movie coming out with McConaughey called "Gold" that looks really good and there's Oscar buzz on it. It's being released by Harvey Weinstein so maybe he's the one bitching. Sounds like something fat Harvey would do.

  6. So disrespectful.
    Maybe she trying to gain weight for another role?

  7. I ate my own head3:35 AM

    I'm sure these studio execs all look like Models too right?

  8. Reality3:51 AM

    I think she is very pretty but I saw her in Pete's Dragon and they took pains to keep from shooting her below the waist. She's small on top, but has a big rear and legs.

  9. And by "big", of course, we mean "normal human-sized".

  10. Kathy9:35 AM

    I really like Bryce. She is talented, she is beautiful, and she seems to be a really nice & generous person. These producer/directors need to stop looking at talent as something to f*ck rather and someone to cast in a movie. I read an interview with her recently and she came off so sweet and so dedicated to her family. I loved what she said about her parents being so strict when she and her sisters were kids and how they were mush with her kids.

  11. How much do these guys weigh?

  12. back again2:11 PM

    It was probably the Universal Studio Execs for "Jurassic World 2" worried that she'll look substantially heavier compared to how she looked in JW1 when they start filming in Early 2017...they saw her during her promos & interviews for Pete's Dragon...

  13. Sadie3:35 AM

    Somebody on another forum was pointing out that Titanic the biggest box office hit ever starred Leo looking like a 15 year old in a boy band and Kate Winslet - "overweight" by Hollywood standards, pretty but approachable. And the $$ from preteen and teen girls are what made it such a hit. Studios think all audiences want to see are anorexic young beauties being courted by much older men. That's what THEY want to see.
