Saturday, October 15, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #3

July 23, 2016

This former B+ list actor from an acting family was supposed to have his celebrity daughters help earning cash for the actor. Instead, they have kept what they have earned even from things he arranged and now dad is in an even worse financial situation because he spent money to get them in front of the right people.

Stephen Baldwin


  1. Derek Harvey1:50 AM

    He was B+ ? Dont think so...

  2. Junes Better Looking Younger Sister2:26 AM

    Be that way - turn your back on your pimp.

  3. Salaam2:44 AM

    I'm always stunned when I think he once called Michelle Phillips "Mother-in-law". I wonder if she cringed every time he said it?

  4. Salaam2:45 AM

    Never mind. I thought they divorced, but Chynna withdrew the proceedings.

  5. June Gordon2:46 AM

    He use to be so cute. Sad when age and stupid get pretty people.

  6. Zilla13:26 AM

    That's Billy Baldwin, not Stephen.

  7. That's Billy Baldwin, not Stephen

  8. Hillary "The taco Licker" Clinton12:32 PM

    All women are practiced manipulators. ALL WOMEN.

    Never listen to what women say, just pay attention to what they do. That's how to avoid being screwed over by them, because if you give them the chance, they will screw you over.

    Stephen Baldwin has been around long enough to know this. It doesn't matter if they are his daughters or not - they are women first and foremost.

  9. Too bad for you that they can vote.

  10. Hot Cola2:10 PM

    WTF do they put in the water of that city that people pimp out their daughter that way?
    Sick sick sick.
