Monday, October 03, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #1

September 24, 2016

This actor/writer is really good at staying quiet. Things his actress wife told him not to say and things not to say so his wife doesn’t find out about his on set cheating.

Justin Theroux/Jennifer Aniston


  1. Barbara RiceHand1:36 AM

    Sad. Let's hope he doesn't run off and get married to one of his co stars. :) :(

  2. Barbara RiceHand1:37 AM

    Also. I feel like I've never heard of him until he was w Jennifer A. Dick move, bro.

  3. Jennifer doesn't care, she's past that. Anyone excited for "Girl on a train"?

  4. nevertellingnever2:26 AM

    I had NO idea who he was until he started dating her

  5. Guessing2:29 AM

    Yes! I can't wait!

  6. Guessing2:31 AM

    Ha Ha, I missed the sarcasm...I didn't even know Justin was in the film. I just loved the book and can't wait for the movies. Despite JT starring.

  7. I was being serious lol it looks interesting, is it?

  8. Guessing2:44 AM

    Oh! Everyone is usually so snarky here. Sorry.

    I loved the book and love Emily Blunt. It's a thriller/murder mystery. I don't want to give too much away, but I thought it was really good and hope the movie does it justice.

  9. HH3142:52 AM

    I read it too and it was fantastic
    I am afraid they won't be able to fully convey the book. So much of it is her disjointed thoughts I don't see it translate well onto the screen

  10. Guessing2:55 AM

    I agree, but I'm willing to give it a shot. As a much ignored demographic (middle-aged lady) there are very few movies that appeal to me. So, when one comes around, I always support it (I am middle woman hear me roar with my pocketbook!)

  11. Whywhywhy???2:59 AM

    Justin played a douche on an episode of Sex and the City. Valerie Harper played the mother. She was funny as hell to show I watched for fashion.

  12. Not middle-aged but I might check it out!

  13. Kno Won Uno3:49 AM

    Ditto me.
    I assumed he was a climber.

  14. Kno Won Uno3:49 AM

    + infinity
    LOVED the book. L O V E

  15. Angie3:53 AM

    I always remember him from Mulholland Drive.

    After getting dumped by Brad, Jen targeted B/C list younger male actors with longterm GF's. She wanted the men dependent on her, so the wouldn't leave, and it busted her ego that they left their young hot GF's for her.

  16. Kno Won Uno3:54 AM

    I'm a suburban grandmother. No one's marketed to me for decades.
    I'm utterly invisible though, which is pretty cool. SGMs can get away with almost anything.
    Put on a velour tracksuit and we can wander in & out of virtually anywhere.
    I had to buy one because it's required, but at least it's matte black and not crinkly.

  17. Kno Won Uno3:59 AM

    That sounds like conjecture/projection, Ms Jolie.
    Donald Trump doesn't find you attractive - what's your response?

  18. Melissa4:00 AM

    His best role is playing a douche bag in American Psycho....seems he wasn't acting much.
    Oh well.

  19. Maybe he should run away with Angie....hahahaha

  20. Guessing5:28 AM

    Don't forget a bedazzled baseball cap with that track suit! So agree with you about invisibility. The CIA should be hiring us to do their spying - no one's watching the post-menopausal crowd!

  21. BETTY BOTOX6:04 AM

    For the last decade, Jen has only been relevant because of the Brad-Angelina connection. Now that it's over, what happens to HER? Girl betta get some scripts comin' at her reeeeeel soon. Money don't make itself.

  22. ppl hate him in 'Charlie's Angels', but i kind of like his absurd character w/ a bad Irish accent, his natural legs of spider...
    he was stupid & funny...

  23. Zilla17:11 AM

    *waits for this to go mainsream and all the Team Jen members to start retracting their " He's so much hotter than Brad!" chatter.*

  24. back again9:32 AM

    yeah, I am too.
    I wish they kept it in London though because I felt like that train & the route was a character in itself,ya know.?..I could picture gave it a certain atmosphere that I loved in the book.

  25. Derek's Anal Beads9:33 AM

    Ditto, gurl.

  26. back again9:36 AM

    Well, this has been proven to be total horse manure because Justin DID in fact make comments about the Brangelina divorce & that he felt badly for the children ....and how he was the child of divorce & how difficult it was,etc.. AND he's also made comments about how well his wife,Jen, has handled the whole situation,with all the media hassling her etc.

  27. back again9:47 AM

    Well, I have a softspot for Justin Theroux because he surprised me-He was the co-screenwriter on Tropic Thunder & that movie cracked me up...He also was the screenwriter on one of the Iron Man movies....i think he's kinda interesting.

  28. Life is funny
    Jennifer waited forever for Brad and now that he's free she just got married ....funny tragic sad

  29. Small Penis Porn12:42 PM

    So does this mean he is fucking his friend John K's wife Emily Blunt or does it mean he's fucking Liv T. from The Leftovers HBO?

  30. I agree- "give us the rings!" He was a skinny tattooed guy we were supposed to think was crazy dangerous, lol

  31. redronnie4:31 AM

    I have one of those invisible suits..except I don't dye my hair anymore so people comment on my distinctive long salt and pepper hair so my black velour sweatsuit has lost its' power..bummer..
