Friday, October 21, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #1

August 31, 2016

They might not have publicly split but this foreign born model turned worst actress ever to appear in a number one movie hooked up with another woman last night while her girlfriend also was having a little fun while they were separated by several hundred miles.

Cara Delevingne/St. Vincent (hooking up with Kristen Stewart)/and a week later they publicly split


  1. sandybrook1:32 AM

    This was a pretty long one for CaraD--months instead of weeks or a few days.

  2. Lazy Daze1:44 AM

    I had not thought about it. Very true. Other than her hanging out with Michelle Rodriguez for a couple of months maybe. I don't remember many morre.

  3. back again1:51 AM

    This is about when Cara was at Burning Man .

  4. I ate my own head2:15 AM

    How many STDs does Cara have?

  5. Sylvia2:22 AM

    Cara is a horrible wanabe-actress. Don't understand how she gets the parts. She came out in Suicide Squad she really was bad.

  6. Who did she hook up with?

  7. longtimereader3:18 AM

    If she was dating men probably loads, with women though?

  8. jhgjh3:59 AM

    i dont understand how she models - she is 5'7 !!!!

    she comes from a 'family of means' and connections, i remember seeing her on asos in like in, online catalog modeling. I dont doubt she f//ked some people to get far

  9. Amber Fan8:14 AM

    I think the answer to what woman Cara hooked up with was revealed Tuesday.

  10. Lastudiosctress2:15 PM

    Cause she is gorgeous
    Perfect bone structure
    Photographs impeccably
    Models are not always most stunning it's the measurement and symmetry of face
    Cara face is just perfect in a close up
    Absolutely perfect...looks like a baby doll with big eyes and lips perfect nose perfect face symmetry
    Btw I'm straight just see thousands photos models every day

  11. Has anyone seen cara lately?look at her IG she looks bizarre. What's with the white spots all over arms?!
