Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #1

August 24, 2016

This former reality star turned B+ list mostly television actress is telling tabloids she is only good friends with her lover/co-star. The thing is though, she just doesn’t want the other guy she is seeing to think the co-stars are still together because she kind of said they weren’t. The tabloids are such kiss butts.

Katharine McPhee


  1. sandybrook2:23 AM

    At least Entern is consistent here, just yesterday she was cheating on Gabel with someone else. Maybe somebody different than this fool?

  2. How do you spell Katharine McPhee?
    Oh, 'S-l-u-t!

    (Ok, very, very mean!)

  3. And-so-on..3:15 AM

    Perhaps JLo's irregular love life connects with her true soul spirit-guide.
