Monday, October 24, 2016

Blind Item #8

This A list radio show host/producer who everyone knows paid $2500 to a pap who caught our A lister smoking. Guess he doesn't want the public to know.


  1. Tricia131:47 AM


  2. MontanaMarriott2:04 AM

    Duhhhhh most of Hollyweird smoke, it's a means of weight loss in their eyes.

  3. Guesser2:17 AM

    Seacreast was a fat kid. He would probably gain a lot if he quit. But lol that he pays off paps for that, rather than something else.

  4. GoTrollUrSelf2:29 AM

    Just the other day, I discovered that Rush Limbaugh makes/made silk scarves. Not just pocket squares, scarves. That seems like an unusual product to connect with him.
    Doesn't everyone know Rush is an addict?

  5. my guess is this is seacrest.

  6. Anna From Washington Heights2:47 AM

    The nationally syndicated radio talk shows are NOT broadcast from LA. Michael Savage broadcasts from a studio in his home in Marin County across from San Francisco. Rush from Florida. Mark Levin from Washington, DC. Don Imus from his ranch in Texas. Others from Ohio and NYC. These men are not considered 'Hollywood.' They are anti-Hollywood. They all pose as 'conservative' but most are not. Their listeners are unemployed, stay-at-home moms and retired people. That said, a lot of their 'callers' are people on their payroll. Their questions are known by the host so when he takes their call he sounds like an encyclopedia of knowledge on that subject. Rush is the worst on this. Michael Savage a close second. It's like wrestling. Entertaining but rigged.

  7. Sharper Teeth4:26 AM

    The literal ONLY person in L.A. I've ever heard say smoking is gross or complain about people smoking around her is Lauren Conrad. Nearly everyone in the business does.

  8. 8====D KermitGosnellKnobjob4:58 AM

    Unless he was smoking meth or a cock, I do not see why he would be paying this blackmail unless he is retarded.

  9. Ettacettera6:09 AM

    Unless he's smoking endangered pandas, I don't see the blackmail angle..

  10. Elise6:54 AM

    If you listen to his show, you know he frequently refers to his "formerly nicotine-stained" fingers and also that he smokes cigars and talks about it frequently. I don't see how this would be a big deal for him.

  11. Sorcha7:36 AM

    Larry King

  12. Hot Cola1:38 PM

    Larry king seems on the verge of death! If he's Vought smoking it might change people's perception about his wife being the one that's killing him.
    I can see him pay for that secret ;)
