Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Blind Item #4

The last thing this former tweener turned A-/B+ list singer needs right now is to start partying and hooking up with this former A+ list singer who loves being seen and talking about his high profile dates. It would take her six months of rehab to recover.


  1. MontanaMarriott12:33 AM

    Demi and John Mayer?

  2. MontanaMarriott12:36 AM

  3. Tricia1312:38 AM

    Yep. Or maybe Selena but she is in rehab still I believe..

  4. Guesser12:56 AM

    Of course. Mayer needs some publicity, and he will get it by giving embarrassing stories about her in interviews. He's actually a lot like her ex, Wilmer. I'm surprised he 's keeping quiet, maybe he's behaving because he has a real job.

  5. Sbreezy292:27 AM

    Wilmer is dating Minka Kelly, and although she's an entitled brat, is a step above wacko Demi!!!

  6. longtimereader3:17 AM

    Eww! poop sex.

  7. Gary Burnaska8:56 AM

    Demi Lovato and John Mayer, This is a bad idea not the worst, I thought she was supposed to be dating some MMA fighter. Or even doing a MMA fight, Between Rockhold, that Bomba guy and Mayer its like Demi wants to get a MRSA infection.

    If she does there needs to be a youtube vid of her abscess getting drained. SO SEXXXY

  8. Gary Burnaska8:57 AM

    Sounds like she wants a Wilmer substitute.

  9. Jess Sayin'3:56 PM

    Dear Demi,

    Have you not heard the song? You know, "Dear John" from Taylor's "Speak Now" album? The song that prompted the question in one review "did we really need a 7.00 'John Mayer is a dick' song to know that John Mayer is a dick?"

    I mean, Taylor may change a pronoun or two to hide the fact that most of her songs are about women, but she's fundamentally honest in her art. John Mayer is a DICK. He has always been a dick, he always will be a dick.

    I grant you he's still several steps above Wilmer, but seriously.
