Sunday, October 16, 2016

Blind Item #4

This former teen actor turned wannabe singer has to pay some of his band extra to be seen in public with him outside band stuff. No matter how much he offers though, none want to sleep with him.


  1. Tricia132:46 AM

    Corey Feldman poor guy

  2. sandybrook2:50 AM

    Is THAT why he started this talentless band?

  3. Macauley Culkin

  4. Tricia132:54 AM

    I watched the performance (first one) and what's scarier is that I think he believes it's his vocation, that and dance ala his idol MJ... check it out Today show I think. Really, really - bad and I feel bad because he seems so sincere

  5. sandybrook3:03 AM

    Today should know better, and he's just desperate for work. Cant get tv or movies, so try music.

  6. withoutapaddle3:18 AM

    I don't feel sorry for him at all. He bosses around these dumb young girls, telling them to lose weight and how to dress. They go along with his Hefner act thinking maybe they might get a real job out of this mess. The fact that he thinks he's on Nirvana & Eminem's level shows how delusional he really is.

  7. Unemployable3:29 AM

    Corey never got over the pain of being the only little kid at Neverland that MJ didnt want to touch.

  8. AlmondJoy3:57 AM

    Who ever booked him on the Today Show, not just once--but twice now, should be fired for exploiting the mentally ill. It is sad that absolutely no one in Corey's life has sat him down and told him that he shouldn't be singing, that he is not Michael Jackson, and to find something else to do with his time and money.

  9. Barbara RiceHand4:51 AM

    If it's Feldman, he shouldn't care too much. The last blind about him was that he just watches them sleep anyway.

  10. goldbronzesilver6:35 AM

    i wonder why NBC gives him all these opportunities.

    sometimes I wonder if he's holding info thats damaging over their heads and they are trying to placate him by making these appearances deals. question is, whose at NBC thats the predator-in-hiding, if they indeed are? NBC owned by

  11. Dtown3010:59 AM

    For whatever it's worth, Corey Feldman is actually a really, really nice guy. Weird? Yeah. A bit troubled? Yeah, but not in a creepy or dangerous way. I feel so sorry for him. I've had a number of interactions with him, over about the past decade, and he was a very sweet person, every time. Gentlemanly, even. He's had a shit life. I don't think he'll ever be truly "normal," but he is not a bad person.

  12. What is he, gay?

  13. john paterson12:10 PM

    I have no doubt that Corey Feldmen is a nice guy, if a bit lost. But he really needs to get some foundation, like the skills to run a small business before he runs out of money.

  14. Chippies3:05 PM

    I was also wondering why the Today Show would have Corey on the show. He does not have what it takes to be a singer. My guess is that he has offered them exclusive access to interviews should any bigwigs be exposed in the Hollywood pedophile scandal in the news recently.

  15. NYCStudent12:34 AM

    Thank you, John! This is a real concern. Corey actually seems like a really nice guy. But unless he is smart with his money now, things will not end well. It would be impossible for him to take a "regular" job because he is too famous. And there are mental issues that would make that impossible as well.

  16. Mooshki8:58 AM

    Maybe he's nice sometimes, but he sure went after that one "angel" who got clued in and dropped out of his "band."

  17. back again1:44 AM

    I agree.The only thing I got out of reading that Corey was going on the TODAY Show AGAIN was...shame on NBC.

  18. Dragon3:58 AM

    I was about to say Troye Sivan; but when I googled him he just got a plaque from Capitol for selling 1.5 million records
