Tuesday, October 04, 2016

Blind Item #2

While out of the country, this foreign born former boy bander met with a religious leader known to be extremist in his views about Western Europe and the US. Our boy bander has donated money to the cause in the past and is big supporter.


  1. sandybrook11:46 PM


  2. sandybrook11:47 PM

    there were stories all over the place yesterday asking if he left the group to join ISIS

  3. Repeat blind?

  4. Barbara RiceHand12:34 AM

    I guess it's the heroin making him insane? If he even thinks of supporting that group then buh bye. Buh bye then.

  5. the politician being the new mayor of London?

  6. Bibsee12:59 AM

    To be quite honest being "extremist" in your views against America is not necessarily being for ISIS. Do you all realize the atrocious things America does in other countries? Do you then expect the people in those countries to show America love and send cute postcards? There's a difference between bombing America and hating it. You'll find that MANY people in other countries feel a lot of the latter. #justsaying

  7. Derek1:05 AM

    Don't you have a BLM, Nation of Islam, Black Panther, or Colin Kapernack fan club meeting to attend?

  8. I know that it is not good, but that is how it is. There are countries in Europe and others who look down to the US. Find them arrogant, trigger happy cowboys, ignorant to other religions and cultures and most of all hypocrite. The government and the people need to change or the US will be without allies.

  9. Bibsee1:26 AM

    LOL maybe if I was in America.

  10. Angela61:30 AM

    @Derek ????

  11. Angela61:31 AM

    That was supposed to be a smiley.

  12. Doesn't matter you're still a piece of shit if you support groups like the Taliban, the FSA, Al Nusra or the recently newly reformed Ahrar al-Sham.

  13. If this is him, once ISIS learns of his addictions, he will be beheaded.
    Dumb move on his part if true...

  14. Marianne2:20 AM

    Lol at first I thought good let them take that little twit!! Then I thought again and was thinking the very same thing you posted @david yep off with his head..he'll be on you tube for all the wrong reasons..

  15. Anna From Washington Heights2:52 AM

    Speaking of ISIS...last year around this time I was en route to the cleaners when I passed three teens from the school next door. They were on the corner huddled together as I walked past. One of them said, "You wait till ISIS gets here! Man, I am all in!" The other two agreed. The school, by the way, is 99.9 percent Dominican. Wonder if they all hate us that much. Sad.

  16. monkee3:01 AM

    There are white supremacists all over Europe, right wing parties, some of them have had tread over the last decade and a significant proportion of people living all over Europe are ignorant, racist, and exclusionist... so there's enough ignorance and racism in the world, the USA and her Trump supporting slackjaws aren't the only bigots in the world. We do have the largest military, though, and we aren't afraid to use it unfortunately,

  17. longtimereader3:31 AM

    Then attack obama, hillary and kerry. Google the amount of US taxpayers money they have given to 'moderate' rebels in syria. There was a congressional hearing about this not that long ago. Not a trump fan BTW but facts are facts.

  18. I like how you all came to the conclusion that not only is it Zayn thats the boy bander but that, because hes Muslim hes obviously giving money to a terrorist organisation i.e ISIS!?!? If they are talking about a white member of this boy band would you still be thinking ISIS? We live in a very narrow minded and racist world, so clap on the back for contributing!!!

  19. Barbara RiceHand3:48 AM

    Well then what's your guess on the boy bander and what group are they talking about. Personally I never thought of him being anything other then American before you pointed it out. So....

  20. 8====D KermitGosnellKnobjob4:33 AM

    This is obviously zayn, but I wonder who the religious figure is, as anjem choudhury (sp) is currently in jail and I do not recall his famous successor, as the mayor of Londonistan does not fit.

  21. Bibsee4:39 AM

    Precisely! People also don't realize that ISIS has recruited people of all races now. That's what makes them so effective, they can hide in plain sight and people's slight biases keep them from being vigilant. Example you're in in Europe in a restaurant where there are only white patrons so you immediately think "I don't think anyone here has a bomb". Even when someone there acts suspicious you think it's for other reasons.

  22. Bibsee4:43 AM

    Yep doesn't matter what the American military & CIA do, every other terrorist group are the real baddies, not America. Good point there.

  23. Bibsee4:45 AM

    I think most of the people in Isis have to be high on drugs too to cope with the hellish things they do.

  24. back again5:00 AM

    well,ummm, he's British.

    -And Enty,this is a lo-blow B.S.. Blind with it's dangerous insinuations,even for you--not to mention it's also a repeat(making it even that much more ignorant & lazy)...Just when you had a couple of really good Blinds over the last week ,you fall back to this kinda crap..smh.

  25. back again5:03 AM

    @ Barbara Ricehand, I get your point you never thought about these guys' ethnicity just that they're boybanders from whereever!
    -it's a stupid blind not worth guessing on.

  26. I read the comments that have answered Zayn. You're just proving my point by pretty much saying, if its not him then who else could it possibly be?!? It could be anyone really or this could be just a load of bullshit made up by a racist enty writer that doesn't like Zayn bcos of his skin colour and personal life. But no you are totally right, hes the only Muslim boy bander that could possible support a cult that is obviously ISIS!!! This could be a white boy bander supposting the kkk or another organisation/ cult that is against anyone thats not white, straight and Christian!!! Im not going to even guess who it is because you will probably find fault with it and im not stooping to your level of ignorance. There are a lot of extremists out there and a lot of different cults to be joined. If the minority's white its not seen as a threat but when you have a Muslim as poster boy...... peoples thought change!!

  27. Whatever6:45 AM

    The mayor of London is not a 'religious leader'. FFS.

  28. SnarkIsFun9:14 AM

    Pity it isn't Bieber. ISIS can have him, the KarTrashians, Chelsea Handler, Lena Dunham, Amy Schumer . . .

  29. Ren Shaw10:34 AM

    May he sit on a bomb accidentally. That's all I got.

  30. Bubbles1:46 PM

    You seem to have deep seeded issue with groups of Black people who want justice and resist in the face of oppression and racism. Maybe it's you who has a tea party shindig or a good old fashioned cross burning. Don't forget your crisp clean whites!
