Monday, October 03, 2016

Blind Item #1

I did not see this one coming. This B list actress who will take anything, even behind the camera has A+ list name recognition thanks to a marriage. The always quiet one got busted in a NYC restroom making out with a guy. There was no sex, but there was a lot of rearranged clothing and hands in places that seemed to be leading to sex.


  1. Tricia1311:30 PM

    Katie holmes

  2. violet11:37 PM

    Katie Holmes. Single woman kisses man shocker.

  3. If it's Katie, good for her. She spent many years not making out with the husband, she has a lot of years to make up for!

  4. Tricia1312:39 AM

    Lol. Get that smooch on girl

  5. Kno Won Uno1:20 AM

    I need smelling salts

  6. Gail Banks2:06 AM

    Good for her.

  7. Whywhywhy???2:14 AM

    Get it girl.

  8. foosball3:45 AM

    Isn't this the same person who has allegedly been in a top secret relationship with Jamie Foxx for years? Why is sneaking around, making out in bathrooms such a stretch? Bizarre reasoning. Dancing topless for some Saudi princes? Now that would be a stretch.

  9. magnolia belle4:52 AM

    Leave this poor girl alone! It isn't Katie. It was me. And I am so ashamed of myself! He wasn't even that cute. Color me desperate.

  10. Anna From Washington Heights7:08 AM

    When I read blinds about someone getting caught doin' it in a bathroom stall, I think of the scene in Unfaithful where Diane Lane and Halle Berry's hubby are tearing each others clothes off. After all the rooting around like dogs in heat, Lane returns to her table and her girlfriends like nothing happened.

  11. GFBCPA11:02 PM

    That was I great scene !!!

  12. Camal1911:49 PM

    Go Katie!!! This has happened to me sex either, just heavy macking out. LOVE LOVE. So much fun when it's a hot guy. You deserve it Katie...after being marriage bearding for so many years.

  13. immature3:03 PM

    Didn't see what coming? A single woman making out with a guy in public? So what?

  14. Antonio4:32 PM

    Damn girl you horny?
