Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Blind Item #11

One actress who was not invited to a charity event the other night was this A list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner. She would have been invited but said she would rather do anything on earth than to have to sit at the same table as a former co-star.


  1. sandybrook4:35 AM

    Im guessing the Cl7nton fundraiser in NYC the other night. AnnE as the one who showed up?

  2. GoTrollUrSelf4:38 AM

    Is that a charity event?

  3. sandybrook4:39 AM

    AnnE and Helena Bonham Carter?

  4. sandybrook4:40 AM

    A fundraiser for her campaign

  5. sandybrook4:46 AM

    crap I forgot Entern doesn't think HBC is A-list.

  6. GoTrollUrSelf4:48 AM

    Frances McDormand/Kate Hudson/God’s Love We Deliver Gala

  7. GoTrollUrSelf4:48 AM

    Both actresses in Almost famous.

  8. My guess is Anne Hathaway/Kate Hudson (Bride Wars) - God's Love We Deliver Golden Heart Awards

  9. Jasmine5:23 AM

    I don't know, but Anne Hathaway voice left me speechless. She can outsing 99% of popstars today. That last note gave me chills during her performance.

  10. Jasmine5:28 AM

    I doubt it. Helena and Anne have worked with each 4 times already.

    -Alice sequel
    - Les Mis
    - Oceans 8 (now filming)

  11. sandybrook5:31 AM

    God's Love We Deliver is a GREAT charity--I did some work with them in 2005 for 6 months.

  12. 8====D KermitGosnellKnobjob5:54 AM

    So a fundraiser in order to help one of the richest (even legally) people in the USA as the presidential serial rapist's wife is a charity event? I hope not.

  13. Anna From Washington Heights6:05 AM

    When I lived in San Fran back in the 90s, went to work at GLWD and after my first day delivering meals in the Castro District, I cried all week. The men were so happy to see me and would tear up when I gave them their dinner. Made a lot of wonderful friends through God's Love. Wonderful charity. Life saving.

  14. Guesser6:56 AM

    This is true they hate each other.

  15. Malibuborebee8:09 AM

    Lin-Manuel tore it up.

    Was Meryl there? I only saw the second half and she was not in it. Julia Roberts was in it and you know Meryl can't stand that twat.

  16. Alicia M.8:18 AM

    That Fat Orange Fuck walked in on 15-year-old beauty pageant contestants. He bragged about how he got away with it.

    He's been sexually assaulting women for decades.

    He stole from charity.

    He used a charity as a money laundering operation...

    So that he could hide the money he illegally spent in Cuba.

    He's paid no federal taxes in almost 20 years but uses all the roads, bridges, educated workers and the rest of the benefits to which he's not contributing.

    He's a racist who is endorsed by the Klan and it took him days to disavow their endorsement.

    He's a bigot who hates Latinos.

    He's a bigot who hates Black people.

    He's a misogynist who treats women like shit.

    If you vote for this dangerous, narcissistic sociopath, you are refusing to do your duty as a citizen of this country.

  17. John Paterson8:35 AM

    And he's still the better candidate than the bitch.

  18. HH3148:49 AM

    Nobody can stand her

  19. Jasmine9:04 AM

    Shade intended? Probably nothing. I find it rather interesting that Kate Hudson is following Anne and not reciprocated on Instagram. LOL!

  20. Oops!9:25 AM

    Another trolling slip up Malibu and Derelict lmfao

  21. Oops!9:32 AM

    How must of us feel about you "Alicia M" or Malibuboreus or whatever you posting as this hour smdh

  22. Bwaahahaha9:39 AM

    Malibuborebee- wait is that you caught posting under another name? Impossible!You know- you who NEVER trolls or posts under anything but that screename you have used forever ??l

  23. Reality10:01 AM

    That posting style is almost identical to the Bill person who was Sasha and is or went ballistic on more than a few threads always in defense of Derick interestingly enough. Keep your day job as a fern waterer... how embarrassing.

  24. Select10:06 AM

    I'm voting for him.

  25. Many of us are voting for him!

  26. epiphany10:33 AM

    Neither candidate is perfect, but anything Trump did, he did with his won money, and had no impact on national security. HRC committed treason, and used our resources - the resources our tax dollars pay for - to line the pockets of her foundation. Then, she lied about both, which is also a crime. She attempted (and failed) to bribe an FBI investigator. Those facts tip the scales. Also, every one of the sexual accusations against Trump have been refuted by witnesses, or objective evidence. I can understand why some (many) dislike him personally, but a loud mouth patriot wins out over a traitor any day.

  27. CDaNer10:34 AM

    Okay Malibuborebee/Alicia M if from what I have seen if you say it it must be true! Not like you post under alters , or are phony or anything.

  28. whoknew10:51 AM

    Kate H sent Anne a large floral arrangement last Mother's Day after her son was born, and Anne posted a big photo of it on her Instagram with thanks. What animosity?

  29. Anne Hathaway and Kate Hudson

  30. hollah11:35 AM

    TY Alicia!

  31. AndrewBW11:46 AM

    @Anna Former Washington heights resident myself! Hello!

  32. Lisa G1:06 PM

    Hahah! Couldn't happen to a better twat-!thats her favorite word amirite?

  33. Camper1:14 PM

    Janet: Hey Stacey, are you still undecided about who your voting for?
    Stacey: Not any more! After I read some well argued points in the comments of a gossip blog, I realized our future MUST be put in the tiny hands of Donald J. Trump.
    Janet: Comments in a gossip blog?
    Stacey: Huh?
    Janet: Uh--nvrmnd.

  34. Wikileaks's1:30 PM

    Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Would you care for some tea and toast with that revisionism )
    Ssshhhhh have a nap and save yourself more embarrassment and fact turning/ or what we commonly call- Facts.

  35. Carolina3:24 PM

    If you consider clintons pocketbook a charity...#draintheswamp

  36. Carolina3:33 PM

    Go f ur self Clinton troll we saw Wikileaks and your plan to commit massive voter fraud
    She calls Latinos needy blacks duper predators called her black travel chef the n word ..victimized a 12 yr old rape victim threatening the women RAPED BY BILL CLINTON
    Calling American deplorable tricking Bernie sanders voters stealing election from Bernie you ass while calling his supporters bitches
    Have the debate questions beforehand Wtf ..having the media rigged and biased not reporting Wikileaks

    Planning on breaking up Catholic Church a lot of people came to this country to escape religious prosecution even pilgrims and Christians Catholics being murdered by Muslims
    Gays in America bombed by Muslim terrorists funded by saudia Arabia who funded Hilary

    CLINTON IS CORRUPT LETTING FOREIGN COMPANUES BUY HER OUTSOURCING TPP AND DONT TELL US HOW TO VOte Alicia m cause ur stupid ..he doesn't hate Latinos I am a Latino immigrant but I waited in line took tests proud to be American and pay taxes in this great country
    Unemployment high obamacare unaffordable and my 4 black children voting for mr trump cause Clinton called my sons super predators and won't acknowledge his black son because mr Danny Willian's said Clinton is the rapist abd Hilary threatened him

  37. Gloria3:36 PM

    Me too
    Clinton is one crazy corrupt bitch

  38. Maria Esparza3:37 PM

    I am voting for Donald Trump. Bill Clinton raped women, I do not like rapists. Michelle Obama told Hilary Clinton to get house in order she could not live with rapist.

  39. Little dog5:07 PM

    I still think my exchange with "Sasha" was one of the best ever on this site!

  40. You pathetic Trump trolls deserve your candidate. Your moronic comments simply prove that you have fallen hook line and sinker for the right wing lie machine that has operated to smear the Clintons for the last 30 years. Pathetic the lot of you.

  41. Wheezy Bag o' Dick Tips11:18 PM

    Actually, the Clintons need no help smearing their name because they've done a hell of a job smearing themselves by playing dirty politics and breaking the law.

    How can it be that they were dirt poor after Bill left the White House and now they are ahead by hundreds of millions?

    Also if you listen very carefully, Hillary did not dispute anything that was in Wikileaks, she only condemned Russia and Putin. What you are reading on Wikileaks is true and pulls the curtain on the Clintons and how dirty they truly are.

  42. Breaking the law? Dirty politics? How dirty they are? Any actual facts or examples to support that delusion? Thought not. Just more of the same right wing lies and false accusations. And if you try really carefully you can create a scandal out of a whole lot of nothing. Something the right wing has been trying for the past 30 odd years and which is par for the course for pathetic trolls. Now that the orange bigot has conned his way to the White House you will get to see what a real conman and grifter looks like. But I suppose as usual its ok if you are a Republicon.
