Today's Blind Items - Old Hollywood Academy Awards Quick Hits
#1 - This Academy Award winner once hosted the show back when the show was only on the radio. At one point during the show he took a bathroom break which apparently meant a drink or three in the coat check room off the lobby of the hotel where he also had sex with the woman working it. He then broke the button on his pants so had to hold them up with his hand for the rest of the show.
#2 - This Academy Award host was probably more famous for acting on the radio than in films. He also gave an overdose of drugs to his wife which killed her because he wanted to marry his co-star who ended up with a celebrity offspring of her own but not with the subject of the blind.
#3 - Even though this host was nominated for almost a handful of Academy Awards she was more known for an iconic television role. She was a trailblazer in hosting but got into an epic fight with her co-host during the show which continued throughout the night every time they were offstage. It took almost a decade before another female was given a chance to host because of course they blamed it on her.