Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Today's Blind Items - Not So Secret Anymore

He should have known it would happen. The thing is though, I think he thought she wanted to be discreet. I'm guessing he probably should have Googled her first. There is no discreet if it is going to bring her some publicity, plus, she has never been one for discretion. I'm not sure why she should be in this case. I mean they are both single. Well, he says he is. He has gone through some ups and downs since being caught cheating on his wife and there are other women who think he is dating them exclusively, but he is technically single. He, is foreign born. He, used to be an A+ list celebrity. He will probably be an A list celebrity, maybe permanently. She, is an actress. She has seen better days. I say that because it is tough to go from A+ list to A- and even B+ list. They met at an event and he thought he would finally get to have sex with an actress rather than the couple reality stars from his own country that he has hooked up with over the past few years. Our actress was all for it, but she wanted to show him off. The only way to do that she found out was to get him drunk. Apparently pretty easy to do. The next thing you know, everyone knows he was with her which was not what he wanted for himself or all of the other women he manages to avoid being seen in public with.


  1. Tricia133:16 AM

    Kate Hudson and someone

  2. Tricia133:17 AM

    Tony Blair /Kate Hudson maybe?

  3. sandybrook3:19 AM

    I can't really see an ex-Prime Minister dating reality show stars. But I'm pretty sure it's someone English.

  4. Tricia133:21 AM

    I read that part as just sleeping with them , but you're probably right. I know it was rumored he slept with Wendy Deng

  5. sandybrook3:27 AM

    Based on a picture of him w/ Kate Hudson and Stallone you might be right, but I think this is total b.s.

  6. Hot Cola3:30 AM

    Good for her. Hang that slimy f*cker I say.

  7. Tricia133:32 AM

    Really, I thought it was crazy random lol. Where were they papped?

  8. haha good effort but I really don't think this is Tone (not that I have an alternative)

  9. sandybrook3:37 AM

    dinner party over the weekend it was just posted at People Magazine, google it.

  10. Tricia133:46 AM

    Lol I'm surprised Enty didn't throw in Stallone for a threesome

  11. Oh please. This is another browse-the-tabs-make-up-a-blind item.

  12. sandybrook3:59 AM


  13. Tony Blair is not "technically single." He is married.

  14. Chingers4:36 AM

    Why, are there so many, unnecessary commas.

  15. Me thinkey The guy is Lord Gratham from Downton Abbey has he been papped with anyone recently? His affair was a big scandal in the Uk

  16. Guesser6:00 AM

    I don't know why people were guessing him. I didn't think I could miss him being divorced or separated, it would be big news.

  17. Guesser6:04 AM

    They are the ones he misplaced in the blinds with too few commas.

  18. BTownGirl10:06 AM

    So I had to google this and I'm obsessed with the fact that the escort's name is Helen Wood. I'm so immature haha!

  19. back again11:10 AM

    ; )
