Tuesday, September 06, 2016

Today's Blind Items - Boys For Songs

For just about three decades this permanent A list musician got away with molesting young boys before being caught. By stringing together the stories from bands he played with and helped produce, the total was in the thousands. The thing is, everyone he worked with knew he did it and did nothing about it. In fact, they enabled it by providing him with boys in return for his help with songs or producing a record or having him play with their group. His usual fee was part money, part drugs and at least one boy. There was one time that was especially heinous. It happened at Apple studios back in the day. A Greek band wanted his help with the production of a record. Knowing his price, the group brought along a French tween boy and offered him up to our A lister. Apparently before he would agree to work on their record he wanted to see that the boy would have sex so they had sex right there on an organ. There must have been a dozen people in the studio and none of them said or did anything. The band worked on the record for several weeks and the French tween spent the entire time with the musician. When the band left town, they took the tween with him and he was replaced by another when the next band came to town to have the musician work on their record.


  1. MontanaMarriott3:11 AM

    Michael Jackson?

  2. MontanaMarriott3:12 AM

    Billy Preston was another who had a penchant for boys and worked with several bands and producing artists.

  3. MontanaMarriott3:12 AM

    Sorry other than the Jackson Five Michael did not perform with other bands.

  4. MontanaMarriott3:14 AM


  5. Tricia133:15 AM

    Gary Glitter?

  6. sandybrook3:18 AM

    I was thinking Billy Preston as well.

  7. MontanaMarriott3:19 AM

    I thought so too but did not see "foreign born" but then again Enty has been known to omit that term in the past when the BI is revealed to in fact be someone who is foreign born.

  8. sandybrook3:20 AM

    Except for the rating.
    I would say Peter Townshend except it says "bands" not band.

  9. Tricia133:22 AM

    Very true. Elton John fits and was investigated for child porn at one point I believe , but really really hope not:(

  10. Tricia133:23 AM

    Though he wasn't so much a band support/musician-- he's always been EJ!

  11. Pink Escada3:33 AM

    +1 On Billy Preston. He worked with the Beatles at Apple.

  12. I think Montana's got it. Plus additional clue of Apple Studios, as an adjunct Beatle he'd probably work out of there a lot. Also thanks Montana for the link--very informative

  13. MontanaMarriott3:37 AM


  14. longtimereader3:38 AM

    Billy preston, a musical legend who can claim to be the fifth Beatle, credited on the album.

  15. Shut Up!3:38 AM

    When has Gary Glitter ever been an A lister or permanent A lister?

  16. Alison3:41 AM

    Billy Preston. Played with the Beatles on the Let It Be album, so Apple fits, played with the Rolling Stones, played with Ringo and his All Starr Band. Nice work Montana

  17. Pink Escada3:42 AM

    But, is Billy Preston permanent A list?

  18. Yes definitely

  19. Guesser3:44 AM

    Billy Preston is the only one that goes back to Apple(the Beatles label. Also it says he was finally caught.

  20. Dutch3:45 AM

    This sickens me. I can't believe so many people will turn a blind eye on such a heinous crime in order to become rich and famous.

  21. Whywhywhy???3:46 AM

    Eeeewwwwww... I despise predators and who doesn't ...but a whole new meaning to the words "I've got a story, ain't got no moral
    Let the bad guy win every once in a while
    I've got a story, ain't got no moral
    Let the bad guy win every once in a while" Disgusting pig...and even if it happened to you as a child absolutely no excuse. Dig his corpse up and hang it.

  22. Guesser3:47 AM

    Elton was falsely accused by a teenage rent boy, who admitted he lied about it.

  23. Tricia133:48 AM

    Gotcha/thanks. That makes more sense.

  24. Kathy3:52 AM

    I agree with Billy Preston. I have loved him forever but bleck

  25. MontanaMarriott3:54 AM

    It was a longstanding rumor that as a child growing up in church he was molested by an adult male church member. Instead of getting help he just repeated the vicious cycle of sexual abuse coupled with drugs use to chase the guilt away it ultimately became his undoing. Don't get me wrong I am not making excuses for him, wrong is just plain wrong.

  26. It's BP. There is even mention of some stuff on his Wiki page. Just goes to show you that people are not what they appear... apparently behind that smiley/happy go lucky exterior was something dark.

  27. When vh1 classic was still on they always used to play a video from a George Harrison tribute concert of Billy Preston singing My sweet lord with Dhani Harrison on guitar so he must've buddies with The Beatles (or at least George) for him to sing his biggest solo hit

  28. AMartel5:09 AM

    And speaking of looking at lyrics with fresh eyes:

    Nothing from nothing leaves nothing.
    You gotta have something
    If you want to be with me

    Things were way more relaxed back then but still.

  29. Please do not call it "had sex." They did not have sex right on the organ. A child was raped on the organ.

  30. Hothotheat5:14 AM

    You must be young.

  31. Perky butt5:52 AM

    That people knew (and saw!!) this was going on and turned a blind eye. Hope they are all rotting in hell.

  32. Pete Townshend has recorded at Apple Studios; I think he was cleared of child porn charges however.

  33. Glitter liked raping little girls, not boys

  34. For those interested, take a peek at William "Bootsy" Collins' Facebook page, and his birthday post about BP from September 2nd.

  35. S.D.AUNTIE1:10 PM

    No. He sang back up for that song somebodys watching me. Berry gordys relative

  36. S.D.AUNTIE1:11 PM

    Once considered to be the fifth beatle

  37. NYCStudent12:34 AM

    We also need outrage for the celebrities who are committing molestation acts and are STILL ALIVE. Those are the situations where people can actually do something. But if Hollywood and all the people who work in it don't mind... what kind of country has America been all this time?

  38. Food Court3:14 AM

    I've read rumors that Billy Preston allegedly molested Michael Jackson back in the late 60s/early 70s when the Jacksons first moved to Los Angeles from Gary, Indiana. Katherine and Joseph were starstruck when they first got there and thought nothing of sending their kids off with other people. That and the rumor that Joseph pimped Michael out probably explain a lot about his lack of boundaries with children later on in life and possibly molesting boys himself

  39. You got it for the win. Billy Preston was never really A list, Beatles or not. He didn't have that kind of producer power that would allow this sort of atrocity.

  40. susan3:39 PM

    Whooooa. I'm just catching up on CDAN. How did you come across this on Bootsy's Facebook?



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