Thursday, September 22, 2016

Today's Blind Items - Better Not Let The Fandom Find Out

There is an almost network show that has been on forever. The lead actor on the show was out to dinner with some members of his church. Apparently the discussion was mainly about the upcoming election and if there was any hope of getting rid of gay marriages. The actor then went on a rant about how he is sick of questions about whether his character is gay and that he would never be supportive of his character being gay because our actor does not want kids to think being gay is normal. Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs, but the fandom is basically based on this, so probably not something they wanted to hear.


  1. Derek Harvey3:13 AM

    One of the Supernatural Guys---Jensen Ackles

  2. Tricia133:14 AM

    Jared Padelecki

  3. sandybrook3:14 AM

    Jensen Ackles

  4. President The Donald3:15 AM

    His wife, Daneel Harris is gorgeous. Teddy Twilight Casablanca kept bouncing that rumor around about the two guys being gay.

    Shouldn't bite the hand that feeds you.

  5. Juank3:31 AM

    I have seen him with friends (str8) at the Abbey in WeHo. He is gay friendly.

  6. Rebecca3:33 AM

    Jensen for sure! He doen'st like Destiel at all...

  7. Rebecca3:34 AM


  8. Tricia133:42 AM

    Thx@Juank. Don't know too much about him but he is on that show and has been in the news a few times not too long ago.(and has a zillion fans it seems).

  9. Sheepskin3:52 AM

    hope this is about Jensen and not Jared
    Jared is already a mess, so hopefully this is just him. Though I think Jensen gets more of the gay rumors for his character

  10. June Gordon4:08 AM

    It's not Jared. He even joked about him and Milo hooking up on Gilmore Girls Reunion.

  11. This is definitely about Jensen Ackles. He is registered Republican, very religious Christian and few years ago he insulted a bisexual fan at some comic con who wanted to ask about his character and said "she is ruining it for everyone".

  12. You don't know too much about a lot of things. Derek rules!!!!

  13. maley4:51 AM



    he really should be careful. he wont have a career if he doesnt have this show....

  14. President The Donald5:03 AM

    I need to thank him for his vote. Address anyone?

  15. June's Better Looking Younger Sister5:28 AM

    Jensen. Maybe he's planning on praying the gay away. Methinks he doth protest too much.

  16. HG Tells6:23 AM


  17. Mooshki9:26 AM

    Wow, "Derek rules?" You're getting extra pathetic.

  18. SouthernSmartass9:34 AM

    Wait--you saw who? Jenson or Jared?

  19. SouthernSmartass9:41 AM

    DAMMIT. I don't want this to be my beautiful Jensen Ackles. If he votes for Trump it'll really interfere with my long-held desire to spirit him away to a deserted island and have a dozen of his babies.

  20. Give me a break10:42 AM

    Ain't that the truth. He is ReDICKules,

  21. Sugar Plum Fairy11:48 AM

    He definitely went from tender young twink to BATMAN VOICE over the years. His hot-ass wife doesn't share his views, if it's him.

    Definitely biting the hand that feeds him too, if that's the case.

  22. Zilla112:59 PM

    Fangurlz and fanboyz are the absolute worst.

  23. Sheila2:25 PM

    Definitely. I am not into the whole J2 thing, I don't think these guys are gay in RL, and even if they're bi, they are probably still not some secret couple. But before I abandoned both the show and the fandom around three to four years ago, before it all went off the deep end, I did support the queer reading of the Dean and Castiel relationship. I think it would have made the show a lot more unique and interesting had they gone there and as time went on, the elephant in the room just got more awkward. But regardless, I think we all know the slash fans are the only real reason the show has survived to this point. People who like cool female characters, or had het ships, or were only interested in the story Kripke wanted to tell, or who like plots that make sense,or character development or optimism left a long time ago. These guys still have careers because the people who are left want to see one or both of them, kiss a dude.

    If this story is true, and the fandom finds out (although I'm confused as to how they don't know, if they're so obsessed with his private life, are they in denial that deep?), I don't want to be around for the meltdown.

  24. June Gordon12:35 AM


    I was with a cute guy at a party and Ian Somerhalder totally gave him the once over and NOT ME!!!! And I'm a very groovy, hot chick!!!!!

  25. Lauren12:47 AM

    Jensen has many gay friends and his wife is pro LGBTQ. This item was obviously targeted at Jensen but it's some very laughable major BS to all the people who know Jensen. Danneel would never allow dark-ages beliefs to be pushed on her kids and she would never have kids with a bigot. Grow up people. Oh btw the same goes for Jared. Fools abound..

  26. Lilly1:20 AM

    Wow. It's the bitter minions who push this crap. Jensen does not like people who shove their fantasy ship on the show, he has been playing Dean for 11 years and the Creator Eric Kripke & the writers all say Dean is straight in canon, joking aside. What the fans fantasize for Dean is fanon and has nothing to do with canon Dean, JOKING aside. Minions are just butt hurt entitled shippers who read far too much fan fiction.

  27. Lilly1:21 AM

    Butt hurt minion. Grow up.

  28. Lilly1:24 AM

    LOL at the butt hurt minion. Grow up, you are living in a AU world.

  29. Lilly1:31 AM

    LMAO @ MALEY! You are moron.

  30. Lilly1:33 AM

    Look at all the bitter minion bitches! Misha Collins is the worst thing that happened to Supernatural.. his fans are insane

  31. Lilly1:48 AM

    To the dude who runs this site, you obviously got a TIP from a bitter Destiel shipper! How embarrassing that you fell for their manipulating garbage.

  32. Junes Better Looking Younger Sister2:34 AM

    Time for your Ritalin, Lilly. Calm the hell down. No one know what you are talking about. Are you for or against Jensen being gay?

  33. Wowser8:30 AM

    Jensen Ackles? Or is this another of that loser Misha Collin's minion vendetta? The Destiel ship is the stupidest ship ever but the shippers are even stupider. Using wallpaper color to prove that Dean is bi (but hates women lol)? Like I said, STUPID!

  34. Lauren11:51 AM

    Jensen is far from homophobic..

    Jensen Ackles ‏@JensenAckles Jun 13
    Blowing kisses to all you #PhoenixCon goers. And to #Orlando

  35. Lauren11:54 AM

    Jensen Ackles ‏@JensenAckles Jun 13
    Blowing kisses to all you #PhoenixCon goers. And to #Orlando

  36. Lauren12:00 PM

    Jensen & Jared are very gay friendly.

    Jensen Ackles ‏@JensenAckles Jun 13
    Blowing kisses to all you #PhoenixCon goers. And to #Orlando

  37. Derek Harvey12:19 PM

    Yeah not condescending at ALL.

  38. Of course it's Jensen Ackles, and I actually believe this one. Jensen is an evangelical Christian Republican and though he may treat gay people decently that certainly doesn't change his core beliefs. I know a lot of people who bend over backwards to treat gays well because they want their business and money. But when they go into the voting booth they're voting for Trump.
