Thursday, September 01, 2016

Today's Blind Items - The Assistant

In the past I think I have actually written about how this married foreign born A list comic actor treats his assistants. That has all changed in the past year. Apparently, our actor, who is married to a foreign born actress slightly lower on the list, finally found an assistant who has met and exceeded all his quirky demands. Because of that, they started spending more time together. Our actor had a press tour but extended it an extra two weeks just so he could continue spending nights on the road with his assistant. At this point his wife is none the wiser. Her worry has always been nannies and she is so focused on keeping her husband apart from the nannies that she has forgotten about the assistant. This could also be because he has in the past gone through five or six a year, so no one could get very close. Over the past month or two, our actress has been busy doing a promotional push of her own and things have become much more serious between the assistant and the actor to the point that the unthinkable is on the verge of occurring. A divorce. No one would ever have seen it coming for this couple.


  1. Derek Harvey3:13 AM

    Sascha Baron Cohen

  2. Derek Harvey3:13 AM

    and wife Isla Fisher

  3. sandybrook3:15 AM

    sounds logical

  4. Kno Won Uno3:27 AM

    She's too good for him, anyway.

  5. Snookiemonster3:43 AM

    She is way too good for him!

  6. DixieChick4:39 AM

    I hope not. I actually like them together.

  7. Molly5:19 AM

    Enty revealed this tool was cheating during Bruno with models. He just rips off other comedians. She needs to kick him to the curb.

  8. texasrose5:28 AM

    From the sounds of it this it is shocking the marriage has lasted this long. True love when the wife only concentrates on keeping him away from nannies huh? Gee I guess she didn't cover all the bases- they must really be meant for each other.

  9. Hot Cola6:33 AM

    Somebody loves him? Eeeeww

  10. Hot Cola6:35 AM

    @Texasrose Exactly,

    If you find yourself in the position of a jailer than that's not a relationship you want to be in.

  11. back again9:14 AM

    ummm, " at this point the wife is none the wiser" assured,if it's a blind on here then i'm pretty confident that she is much the wiser & well aware of the situation Enty.

  12. sorry to sound like a 10 yr old but Isla is still very bangable I memba her days from the Aussie soap home and away have 0 clue why she ever got together with him in the first place if that's how she's treated she can definitely do better MUCH BETTER

  13. I hope the doll gets a big settlement from the doofus.

  14. Per IMDB, Sascha Baron Cohen has had the same assistant since 2011. Apparently Penelope Cruz's character in The Brothers Grimsby, Rhonda George, is named after the longtime assistant.

  15. Louise6:36 PM

    I wonder if the assistant is a man or woman, he's said before he's 20% gay didn't he?

  16. Whywhywhy???12:52 AM

    No. But someone sees a payday.
