Monday, September 05, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #7

August 19, 2016

This foreign born former A list mostly movie actor has slipped to A- list over the years. He has a new resurgence in popularity or at least attention from some click bait type photos. At this moment he is probably hooking up with a model his ex set him up with that he has been dying to have sex with. He doesn’t care that he has a girlfriend.

Orlando Bloom/Miranda Kerr/Katy Perry


  1. sandybrook3:39 AM

    Isn't it nice to see he and Miranda are on such good terms she pimps out her model friends to him to f*ck?

  2. Kno Won Uno3:39 AM

    I thought there was a blind about a bit of polyamory with this couple.
    If so, she *wouldn't* mind & would likely encourage it.
    Cross-referencing can be helpful.

  3. Katy is a scumbag magnet.

  4. Zilla13:51 AM

    Maybe Katy's too stoned to notice.

  5. S.D.AUNTIE4:09 AM

    Anything is better than Katy. Hope the model does not have substance issues like Katy. Shell be a hot mess when she hits 40

  6. HG Tells4:37 AM

    I have this theory on Orlando... see he was born a redhead and all the kids at school made fun of him. Poor Orly, all the kids would call him a fire crotch and make fun of his silly name. Who would name their son after a town in Florida?? And it's a dirty town. Anyway. One day in 7th grade Orlando slipped on a banana peel and it landed on his head. Everyone was stunned at the transformation! This maroon headed joke looked like a total model. That night Orly went home and bleached his roots. The next day his mother took him to the Sally's across the street and got his extensions. His preparation for LOTR didn't stop there. For hours on end Orly would constantly read the LOTR books to his loyal legion of cabbage patch dolls. Eventually his mother caught his freak behavior and kicked him out of the house. Orlando was soon discovered by a local trucker and hitch hiked his way to stardom.

  7. Whywhywhy???7:31 AM

    We have to wait 9 years?

  8. Shaddup Mimsey12:32 PM

    Just because his name is Orlando, doesn't mean he's from Florida. And a ginger, really?

  9. Melody1:57 PM

    This is a kindness xD
