Wednesday, September 07, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #5

August 26, 2016

This late night talk show host seems calm and fairly vanilla. The waiter who brought the wrong drink to the host got an earful from the actor. I guess he just wanted to make the waiter look bad. Instead, the host looked like crap, because the waiter who brought the drink was not the one who took the order but the host hadn’t paid attention. Apparently the host acting like a prick is a pretty regular occurrence.

Seth Meyers


  1. sandybrook3:43 AM

    Never mistreat your servers. They are your friend and want you to have a great time while you are in their company. (Not to mention if you piss them off they could be tempted to do nasty thingys to your food and drinks)

  2. Malibuborebee3:44 AM

    He doesn't seem as douchey as Fallon but Myers is still pretty douchey and his pal Armisen is, obviously, even worse.

  3. Yeah! Tricia13!
    Way to go!

  4. Zilla14:13 AM

    Seth does appear to have Superdouche potential.

  5. Chi chi5:49 AM

    +100 I can attest to that personally as I worked as a waitress through most of university and a few of my colleagues made some very interesting additions to patrons food/drink if they were rude..not me of course

  6. Tricia136:00 AM

    Thx @david! Sorry to have guessed right about his douche factor though! (*Hopefully all members of the service industry that read the site will take note lol)

  7. sandybrook6:20 AM


  8. Countervail6:21 AM

    I've had to work with Tina Fey before once, and she was cold as ice. I could only have imagined the environment at SNL with those two.

  9. I like Seth's humor, bummer. And everyone should be smart enough to not mistreat food/drink servers!

  10. chicagojvan9:15 AM

    I saw a clip from when Rachel Bloom (from "Crazy Ex-Girlfriend") was on his show. She used to work at snl, and she told a story about another intern bringing Seth the wrong sandwich one day. She tried to play it off that he wasn't that mad about it, but did say his reaction was along the lines of "well, I guess I'll have to make this work." Kind of gave the impression he might be a bit douchy.

  11. so pretty much every male on SNL is an dick? Sans Bill Murray of course!
