Sunday, September 04, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #5

August 16, 2016

This A list singer in a group or solo who moonlights in reality television is getting a lot of flack for supporting her boyfriend despite all the crap that comes out of his mouth about various groups of people.

Gwen Stefani/Blake Shelton


  1. Chelzee Post3:39 AM

    Over the years, (decades) if you haven't noticed, most celebrities are needy as hell and can't stand to live alone. Women with kids are the neediest. They go from one man/woman to the next in very short order. Madly in love, the picture of happiness one minute, divorced or broken engagements later, here comes Mr./Mrs. RIght 2, 3, 4, 5, you get the picture. She is not alone in looking way beyond her boyfriend's faults.

  2. Kno Won Uno4:29 AM

    They seem to never emotionally mature past adolescence. Constant need for attention and adoration is juvenile.

  3. Still, you have to admire the singularity of purpose required to turn every/any word or deed into: 'Look at me!'

  4. Jwill5:35 AM

    They are both idiots. His PR people were spreading rumors about how the country music community was going to turn on Miranda because of all her misdeeds, but, oh, look! She is the recipient of the Merle Haggard spirit award and ACM female vocalist nominee. Blake Shelton? Zip, nothing, nada.

  5. sandybrook7:25 AM

    Miranda has talent, Gwen used to be talented in No Doubt, Blake uh nope.

  6. Allie9:39 AM

    His last few songs are corny as f*ck. Gwen is too different (and too old) from Blake and his country life. They are like horny teenagers. Get a room, not a marriage license.

  7. Lurker9:54 AM

    Allie - omg I'm such a lurker here but your hilarious 'get a room not a marriage license' had me rotfl. Thanks!

  8. sunshine1:14 PM

    Blake doesn't have to like any group. Maybe he's had lots of first hand experience with members of those groups? There's a reason they're hated.

  9. thebutlerdidit4:30 PM

    Hollywood is so steeped in SJW bullshit, McCarthy couldn't run trials 1/100th with the degree of circumspection. To most of those half wits, EVERYTHING is potentially racist, sexist, homophobic, rape, etc. Who knows if anything said is actually anything remotely bad?

  10. Frank9:35 AM

    The biggest racist ischriisy teigen
    And now she has infected John legend
    White hater

  11. Love Blake!
