Friday, September 09, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #4

August 5, 2016

This A+ list mostly movie actress needs the quick paycheck, but the drug use and illness she is fighting have her unable to do any acting right now.

Angelina Jolie


  1. Snookiemonster2:44 AM

    Why would she need quick paycheck? Between her and Pitt, i thought they were loaded.

  2. sandybrook2:51 AM

    Bad real estate investment Brad couldn't do cost them millions.
    Anyway, she is too f8cked up and sick to act but strong enough to do UN peacekeeping work at a refugee camp and attend meetings in London?

  3. Nuzzybear2:53 AM

    Yeah, nothing says strung-out like giving an eloquent speech before the UN Peacekeeping Summit.

  4. SHHHH....... Facts & logic are not allowed on here! :)

  5. Tricia133:01 AM

    I completely agree. And she recently gave a speech RE: her mother and why she chose to go the route with humanitarian work(think it was a different UN event) and it was an inspired moment, and she was absolutely graceful. I am not saying she isn't struggling with something, perhaps, but broke and at deaths doorstep?

  6. What's her illness she's fighting?

  7. Tiggytiti3:16 AM

    If she is struggling with an illness, she might be strong enough to give speeches but not strong enough to carry an acting job that requires her to be away and "on" for months at a time

  8. longtimereader3:23 AM

    Dr feelgood can give you something to make you cogent for an hour or two...

  9. mariaj3:26 AM

    Exactly. I have seen the pic, she doesn't look too healthy.

  10. Guesser3:44 AM

    It's also possible she can't be insured for a major film,or doesn't want things to come out while filming.Enty wants us to think cancer, but it could be addiction or anorexia..

  11. Nuzzybear3:48 AM

    Looks like she's just "aging naturally" (something people do that involves leaving their skin on their face and not shoving needles into it - crazy Hollywood thing) and not in the usual lighting/makeup we see her in. I love the way she looks.

  12. martly3:48 AM



  13. mariaj3:59 AM

    Good for you cause to me she doesn't seem healthy. But we'll see

  14. Thanks @Guesser, I think your right. She's definitely depleted looking. I know the addiction has never been under hand and entry has talked about her becoming ill while flying and being whisked away and appearing non shaky and sweaty again. Yes entry is leading us down the garden path with cancer thing... But she still smokes!!! Still feel entry is imp,ting a serious illness besides her addiction in previous posts about her only having few years left. Wish he'd just be straight up. Maybe it's HIV?

  15. d brown4:03 AM

    She and Pitt obviously have a very expensive life style (multiple houses, travel back and forth, large staff etc.). I can't comment on ENTY's drug suggestion or its cost but her commendable charitable activities probably also represent a major out of pocket expense. If you look at her career she probably hasn't made that much recently (alright, a lot compared to us but little compared to her salad days). Her career and paydays were hot through 2010 but since then she has worked primarily in animation (lower paid voice work) and trying to get her directorial career started (they don't pay her much for directing obscure movies). Only Maleficent counts as ten million plus payday in the last six years. She probably has assets from her better days but it is likely to be houses etc than cash. Also, at 42, she must realize that there will be fewer big paydays in the future as she loses roles to younger actresses.

    As for her health, her rumored "dream role" at this stage is Cleopatra. If the Liz Taylor version is any guideline that would represent a massive physical demand on AJ.

  16. Anna V. Carroll5:00 AM

    You read my mind!

  17. Derek's Hammer5:35 AM

    Nailed it.

  18. MalibuBobby6:31 AM

    Don't you see her dying Pulp Fiction style like dat tall ugly twat Uma Thurman in that first scene? Snort the smack and boom. OD

  19. Whatever6:55 AM

    Yes, agreed. I think people are wrong to conclude that she's perfectly ok just because she held it together for a few speeches. Acting on a huge project would be an awful lot more time, work and commitment, and physically she doesn't look up to it.

  20. Hot Cola7:45 AM

    She does look physically frail.

  21. Da Fug kinda comment is that?

  22. thatdarncatxoxo8:47 AM

    She didn't die. Did you even watch the movie? Ugh. I love AJ - whatever she has going on personally, I hope she wins the battle.

  23. Julie9:44 AM

    She is full of not ox and juvaderm lol aging gracefully is not on her agenda. She's been a drug addict for Manny yesrs

  24. Shut Up!10:52 AM


  25. Skeptical12:00 PM

    I don't believe any of this
    Me thinks the author an aniston lover who is by far the bigger drug user

  26. Laura Palmer12:55 PM

    You know this shit has gone on with her forever...remember Larry king and when Dr Drew said she was obviously using...

    Is it true or not? If not I hate to be picking on her, but then I like picking on her because of brad..and because I think she's a bit of a monster.

    But I like her too, she's very polarizing. I feel like she has many personalities.

  27. TopperMadison10:34 PM

    She is so NOT aging naturally.
