Sunday, September 04, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #3

August 14, 2016

Apparently this comic actor/daily talk show participant has even more examples in his past of treating women like crap. You have to be in your early 20’s to get him to talk to you. If you were hooking up with him you had to put up with him hitting on women right in front of you. Oh, and this was all while he was married.

Fred Armisen


  1. Frufra2:04 AM

    Gag me with a spoon.

  2. What woman would be that dumb to marry this man-slut?
    Elisabeth Moss (m. 2009–2011), Sally Timms (m. 1998–2004)
    I'm glad they divorced him.

  3. He's the guy that aspires to be the a*hole b/c he was such a loser in his youth, so consciously puts a lot of work into cultivating an a*hole persona and reputation.

  4. Dereks Mommy4:22 AM

    Just like my boy.

  5. strikefour5:38 AM

    he's closeted, too.

    Jeremy Priven as well.

    they do the whole macho asshole who loves women and treats the like crap.....becauseeeee they fu/ck dem butts.

  6. strikefour5:38 AM


    double-bearding, encouraged by scientology, then broken because 1) he's an asshole and 2) not a scientologist.

    afterwards, she's distanced her from scientology AND him

  7. I've read a few blinds about him that are stomach churning, he's such a c*nt. I really enjoyed his show up until this point but now i can't get passed it, and i remember an interview Elizabeth moss did after their divorce saying something along the lines of she was so glad that dark part of her life was over

    Sounded like she really suffered living with this POS. What's funny kind of is he works with Broad City/ Carrie Brownstein etc, really smart Feminist women who you would think wouldn't stand him. But maybe he's really professional on set?!

  8. Unfunny, untalented and a total douche. If I ever run into him on the street in Williamsburg I am going to punch him in the mouth.

  9. I tried to watch the new spoof Documentary
    Now on IFC channel because Bill Hader is hilarious but guess who's ruining the whole thing yup Armisen.Had to turn it off.

  10. So he likes to fuck. Who doesn't?

  11. longtimereader3:28 AM

    SOP when it comes to famous men who never got any at high school. Now they get to treat women as they perceive they were treated back in the day.

  12. Letterman was just as bad
