Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #3

November 5, 2015

This former A+ list comic actor who will probably have permanent A list name recognition forever is hooking up with a family member of his ex-girlfriend. Not appropriate.

Jim Carrey


  1. If she's hot, why not?

  2. Bibsee3:43 AM

    Wasn't he supposed to have herpes & gonorrhea? Gross.

  3. Squeege4:12 AM

    If it's a family member of the woman who killed herself it's a bit blergh but it's a free country

  4. macaroniandcheese4:17 AM

    If the family member was of the one who committed suicide, then yeah...really tacky.

  5. Totally not appropriate. Carrey's a scumbag.

  6. It's true5:13 AM

    This is how sociopaths do it. They don't care who dies as long as they get what they want. He was probably way into the new hook up and was happy when she overdosed. Then they just moved into her old apartment and pretended like she never existed. They sit on her furniture and sleep in her old bed.

  7. I ate my own head5:55 AM

    This is true. It's sickening isn't it? Half of these Hollywood losers are sociopaths.

  8. It isn't the one who passed away, that sister is married.

  9. magnolia belle7:00 AM

    I predict (as have others) that in a few years Jim will also be a suicide. He is just too off the rails in so many ways. By his own admission, he was screwed up in high school and his Canadian parents didn't know what the heck to do with him. I read this in an interview he gave way back. He admitted to 'sexual problems' at the time. Like wanting sex all the time, all day, all night and in inappropriate places.

  10. I have met more sociopaths from Canada. What the hell is going on there.

  11. BETTY BOTOX8:51 AM

    Canadians won't tolerate their antics and send them to us cause they know anything goes down here. We're the laughing stock of the world.

  12. Carolnkay10:06 AM

    The complaint said he has herpes 1 ( mouth) herpes 2 ( privates) and gonorrhea
    Plus he was viciously cruel to that girlfriend who seemed to be a pretty delicate country girl from Ireland
    Really vicious cruel texts
    He is an ass

  13. Carolnkay10:08 AM

    Didn't his father commit suicide or beat the family
    He's really screwed up plus those texts to the girl who committed suicide ( or murdered bc she committed suicide with Jim Carey's prescription drugs that he gave her were sick demented cruel and vicious

  14. Hey, it's not our fault if every sociopathic Canadian wants to move to the U.S. *shrug*

  15. lets hope so what he did to that Irish girl is unforgivable!

  16. Laura Palmer1:51 AM

    Have you ever been to Canada? Shudder.

  17. Crimson11:02 AM

    I've been to Canada and it's pretty in the way I think the afterlife might be for for a split second and no place I wanna live or die.
    It's a)where people who were born there and can't can't get out from it , b)a political pussys haven or c) North America s version of Siberia but tries to pretend its hip. OKAy
