Sunday, September 25, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #3

September 14, 2016

Apparently if she had her way, this A list solo and group singer would get married to her A list boyfriend. Since she ignores all his publicly bad qualities, I guess she is ok with the cheating too. She really should stop to think about all this.

Gwen Stefani/Blake Shelton


  1. Zilla11:54 AM

    Attention K-Mart shoppers, sale on self esteem, aisle five

  2. CrashDiego1:55 AM

    Is Enty the only person in the world who doesn't realize this is a PR relationship for The Voice to get more ink?

  3. Tricia131:58 AM

    Lol. Perfectly said

  4. sandybrook2:31 AM

    Seems to be Entern worries about this situation constantly and may be the only one who does

  5. bradley2:49 AM

    she was married for so long to a closeted man i guess she gives no f/cks at this point

  6. Fame.
    That's all Gwen cares about.

  7. Melissa5:58 AM

    She is so gross, and just reeks of desperation.
    He is gross too and looks like he smells.

  8. Whatever6:02 AM

    Totally true. To be fair to her, she goes about it in a less vulgar way than most of them.

  9. Bi, not gay, and really not closeted at all.

  10. Hot Cola12:56 PM

    Wow, that's hilarious @zilla1

  11. Riley3:24 PM

    Her relationship is the reason she's successful again. After that last ND album bombed she was barely written about. I mean, how many people even knew she had a third kid? She reeks of desperation these days, especially with her over filtered selfies. She's crossed into Madonna territory, unfortunately.

  12. Malibuborebee3:29 PM

    I've never had anything nice to say about Gwen Stefani. My usual comment is that she looks like a cashier at Von's. However, she did a nice little palette for Urban Decay and apparently worked on it and edited it herself so that's the one nice thing I now have to say about her.

    This thing with Shelton is faker than Fake Fakerson eating faux caviar and drinking mocktails at a "Bachelor" tv wedding.

    That is pretty fucking fake.

  13. I haven't liked her since she started pimping out her kids to the paps.

  14. Lies, lies, and more lies...provide the names and pictures of the women he is suppose to be cheating with then I will believe! Go ahead, call them out and provide the proof in a picture because he is TOO big of a star for there to NOT be pictures to supply? Imagine the pay day it would bring to a pap so give the proof...
