Wednesday, September 07, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #2

August 24, 2016

They looked the other way while he did a few lines of coke. The booze they can live with. Heck, to get him to appear in a movie they are financing, they even found some women who enjoy being beaten or at least pretend to be for enough money. It was heaven this week for this former A+ lister who would probably rather be doing something other than acting.

Johnny Depp


  1. Zilla12:14 AM

    If his friends are covering for him beating women, and procuring women for him to beat, they are really lowlifes.

  2. AshBey2:27 AM

    Agreed. And the band played on. F#cking hell.

  3. Doubt he beats women, he's practically 60 now, it would have come out. Meanwhile his whack job ex wife must be having another narcissist rage for her whatever tantrums failing this time, here we go again

  4. bankonit3:11 AM


    found the depp apologist

  5. Malibuborebee3:16 AM

    Oh fuck off, bankonit. No one needs to apologize for Johnny Depp - he's done nothing wrong. He stupidly married a famewhoring slag who was after his money. It happens.

    He's always been into S&M - everyone knows. As long as it's consensual, which the blind indicates that it is, then there's no harm in it. Enty's just being a dick because Amber got her gold-digging ass handed to her.

    This blind could just as easily have been about Russel Crowe.

  6. oobejabbawwonka3:23 AM

    Yep. Apologist is one word for it. Wanker is another.

  7. oobejabbawwonka3:26 AM

    Why don't YOU fuck off, Malibu? You must be deluded thinking Depp isn't an asshole wife-beater - it's pretty much proven he is. So take your misogynistic views and shove them up your ass.

  8. Not at all. Even domestic violence therapists and victims were saying her story didn't add up not to mention the glaring inconsistencies to what she said herself, and all of the other nonsense of that little road show that failed.

  9. Cute, but no.

  10. Malibuborebee3:35 AM

    Yep. She also refused to file a police complaint and refused to make any statement about it under oath. She screamed and cried and pitched a blue fit rather than be deposed. She did that for nine hours.

    She has no credibility. She lied. She set him up and she did a piss poor job of it. That's why she got so little and Depp won.

  11. Zilla13:57 AM

    Depp is 50 or 51, that is not "practically 60."

    And he is hardly a stable individual himself.

  12. Zilla13:58 AM

    Now, now, nothing has been proven on *either* side. They are *both* whackjobs. Everybody loses.

  13. S&M whatever... but his dior's perfume commercial w/ a rumors of him taking shower 1time/month...
    looks smelly & really bad...good luck, Dior...

  14. Mazoo5:58 AM

    It has come out, here it is, after the other stuff.

  15. Mazoo6:00 AM

    maybe that's the S&M he likes, torturing people with his armpits.

  16. Louise6:40 AM

    WTF? who are "they"? His friends? Producers of a movie?

  17. Cupcakes4all7:41 AM

    this sounds like some piece meal, made up story, smdh.

    "found him some women to beat" pitiful attempt.

  18. Disgusto10:09 AM

    It's pretty obvious he is a rage ahole alcoholic addict
    Disgusting how Amber was vilified
    Now we hear Melissa George is a punching bag!
    Women - the first time he his you walk out the door and keep walking,,
    They cannot be cured just like pedophiles
    Run run away

  19. Solution10:21 AM

    You need to be in a room with a drunk, drugged out Depp as I was about 20 years ago and then tell me she's a liar. You maintain your voice here as being the resident rude, delusional , smug asshole with the sad impression anyone gives a shit about what you say.

  20. Half the people I knew twenty years ago were drunk and drugged out. Half the people in the country at age 30 are hardly the pillar of perfect behavior. If you're still the same person you were 20 years ago, that doesn't mean everybody else is.

  21. I really have no interest in fighting with you, but suffice to say I strongly disagree with your assessment. Johnny Depp has been a booze-and-coke-fueled mess for almost 30 years now. I have no trouble believing that sometimes, people get hurt. Why exactly is that so inconceivable to you?

  22. Malibuborebee12:49 PM

    "Johnny Depp has been a booze-and-coke-fueled mess for almost 30 years now."

    Yep. Actually it's been for longer than that but whatever.

    "I have no trouble believing that sometimes, people get hurt."

    I don't have any trouble believing that either.

    "Why exactly is that so inconceivable to you?"

    It isn't.

  23. S.D.AUNTIE1:11 PM

    Yup. Smells like a hobo.

  24. AllieC1:53 PM

    Depp is hardly a model of emotional stability but I'm with him on this one. Amber is a self absorbed narcissist. She never wanted to be a wife to him, just used him for his level of fame and $$. A drama queen who thinks she can pitch a fit and things will go her way. I'm glad he fought it. Her injuries weren't consistent and as a person who has knowledge of domestic violence (I had to testify against my sisters now ex husband), I think she's a horrible, manipulative person who set true victims back. She set him up. Fact. Either way, they both need help. I've heard he's battled depression for years. Self medicating won't help but I doubt very seriously he beat her up. She doesn't have a great reputation with abusibg others herself.

  25. Hillary Clinton Prefers Tacos2:03 PM

    You hausfraus are all missing the point...

    ...even though she's a gold digger, I'd still bang Amber Heard!!

  26. Malibuborebee2:15 PM

    Okay. I'm telling you she's a fucking liar.

    His S&M play has always been consensual. Period. It was no different with Heard except that she was conning him from the start. An ugly breakup is not necessarily an abusive relationship just because one party says it is or tries to make it look that way to extort a larger divorce settlement.

    I don't think Amber will have any better luck getting Elon Musk's money. He's not as easy a mark as drugged up, not-too-bright Johnny Depp was for her. I guess we'll see.

    As for the rest... it's weird. I can't remember ever seeing you or interacting with you before but you seem terribly needy so I'm playing along.

    Honey, if the endless whining, frantic pearl-clutching, ignorant opinions and impotent rage of dumb assholes actually mattered to me, I wouldn't post or read anything on the internet. I presume that most other people feel pretty much the same. Beyond that I don't know what to tell you.

  27. Malibuborebee2:27 PM

    Of course. Regardless of her appallingly bad character Heard is fucking gorgeous. Tons of people want to bang her and there's no problem with that.

    Just don't marry the bitch.

  28. blahblah3:00 PM

    Oh how we've missed you

  29. NameX4:11 PM

    Like a hemmoriod.

  30. Amber Fan4:55 PM

    So tired of Amber being a labled to be a good digger when there is no proof.Also the elon Mush story was debunked if she is dating anyone it might be Cara Delevingne.

  31. Lully6:25 PM

    Well, agreeing to be in a S&M relationship is not the same as being abused or beaten. This only proves that he's into S&M. That's all. Go back and come up with more convincing story, Amber team.

  32. Lully6:28 PM

    Just because you claim you was with him when he was drugged 20 years ago doesn't mean anything. I can claime I have sex with him and he's only into S&M, but not an abusive person. You should believe me, as well as you expect someone to believe your claims.

  33. Small Penis Porn6:58 PM

    I presume enty is referring to his yachting. The Saudi Prince or whatever is probably trying to get him in a project they are financing. I believe Johnny is a rager, but I don't think he hits anyone. If a man is raging like that around me---I'M OUT! I don't secretly film him for revenge. Let us not forget entys blind reveal this summer on Amber

  34. Small Penis Porn7:00 PM

    sorry---not sure why that link doesn't work---

    March 10, 2016

    This actress has been quiet of late in public. A B list mostly movie actress, who sees herself as an A lister within two years is ruthless when it comes to accumulating wealth and fame. A few years ago when she was in the throes of a never ending drug addiction, it looked as if she would be dead within a year or two – a footnote in acting history. Now though, with her drug use controlled, she is on the rise. Since marrying well above herself on the list, our actress has controlled the fortune of her husband. Replacing people close to her husband with those loyal to her. The money in her own bank accounts increased and she did rise a touch in the fame department, but she wanted more.

    A two pronged approach. She would continue her casting couch prowess whether it be male or female and land herself some huge roles. She actually got herself a lead, but the movie was atrocious. She then made a bold move. She went after this very good looking, very in shape, very married B+ list actor who was tapped to play a huge role in a huge movie. She made sure she was in his face and under his face and anywhere else she needed to be. She made sure he was in her corner when she went after a part in his movie. A big part. A franchise part. A career role and a chance at A listerdom. So, when one of the producers she was sleeping with suggested her for the role, the actor was on board. The producer had no idea she had covered her bases and was also sleeping with the actor. He thought the actor would say no.

    So, fame was covered. A great role covered. Money was her next object and it turns out she is even better at that than casting couch antics. Her husband is in big demand. He has an agent and manager and people. They are supposed to get him parts. They do. Our actress though started taking meetings with companies from outside the US who wanted him for a movie or even commercials. She promised access. In return she charges a fee. Anywhere from $50K for him to hear their commercial pitch to $250K to have him read their movie script. The thing is though, he never sees or hears about any of these. She takes the money and runs. A lot of money. She has several meetings per month and makes more per month than she ever made on any project in which she has acted. When the investors ask if they are moving forward, she always says he is considering it or turns them down. She prefers the term considering it because often times she can get another fee from the investors to make sure he really sees how important he is to their project.

    Actress: Amber Heard
    Husband: Johnny Depp
    Movie: “Aquaman”
    Actor: Jason Momoa (wife: Lisa Bonet)

  35. Hey Malibu? You should be ashamed. People who perpetrate hate and hold onto ridiculous misogynistic bullshit you're the delusional scum who perpetuate the view that women should have no voice and shouldn't be believed. Go back to the 70s. Nobody wants to hear. Save your fucking expression me should have no voice and shouldn't be believed. Go back to the 70s. Nobody wants to hear. Save your bullshit propaganda for some other site because nobody wants you here. You're so unbelievable I can't stand people like you. I work with abused women and I hear this all the time. Women still have no voice and it's because of people like you. Just go away
