Thursday, September 22, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #2

September 2, 2016

She got less money this time, but as long as there is even $100 to be made this celebrity/part-time porn star will still profit off her miscarriage.

Courtney Stodden


  1. Tiggytiti2:04 AM

    Makes me ill that miscarriages are now used for publicity. What is wrong with people????

  2. sandybrook2:16 AM

    Nothing is wrong with most people but she is totally f*cked up. Like most famewhores.

  3. Kno Won Uno2:23 AM

    Since Fishwrapper shut down, I wonder who's singing her praises these days.

  4. President The Donald2:48 AM

    She's just like the KKK, Black China (the Chinese will pay for the wall, believe me), Amber Tulip, and the rest of the fame whores.

    At least Courtney has nice tits

  5. Cherry3:11 AM

    My mom had a bunch of miscarriages in the nine years between my brother's birth and mine. Is Courtney special?

  6. Does Courtney have an older brother who didn't hit her in the head with a flashlight when she was younger?
    (I know, mean.)

  7. Seriously, I give your mom a lot of credit for her strength. I would not have kept trying. :(

  8. Cherry6:13 AM

    I was born in the early 1960's so I am an old fuck.

    I don't think my mom had much choice regarding birth control? But I vaguely remember her telling me she took some kind of medication to help her to hold onto pregnancies? I guess I was wanted. LOL
