Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Blind Item #8

Apparently this A list mostly movie actress who specializes in comedies suffers from depression. It takes everything she has to go out and do a red carpet for a movie or interviews for it. Surprisingly she does not have any issues when actually filming.


  1. I feel your pain girl.

  2. Tricia131:51 AM

    Renee Zelweger. Though she does drama, I'm think it's the BJ franchise referred to.

  3. Guessing1:51 AM

    Kristen Wiig? Is she A list? I never can figure out these rankings.

  4. Elle B1:52 AM

    kristen wiig

  5. Just4Fun1:52 AM

    Melissa McCarthy

  6. Courtney1:52 AM

    Kristen Wiig

  7. Guesser1:56 AM

    Jinx. I was going to say her, she sometimes does interviews in character, and I think it's common for actors to have anxiety when they have to be themselves. And she is definitely A list, but she of course got her star on TV.

  8. HH3142:11 AM

    Kristen Wiig

  9. monkee3:18 AM

    A list refers to being able to carry a movie to economic and/or critical success based on your name recognition. B list refers to being second banana on the marquee, but still having some popularity and being knowing who you are. Basically A list = Bankable star. That is why A listers can slide down the scale, because they cease to be bankable. Think Brendan Fraser.

  10. Hothotheat3:23 AM

    Kristin Wiig

  11. Melissa3:44 AM

    Agree with peeps above...I thought this was brought up before about Ms Wiig...but either way, I feel her pain, I have very bad social anxiety and it gets harder to mask as you get older.
    She is funny many funny people with anxiety issues, must be in the gene code idk, I wish her the best though whoever it is

  12. shakey4:05 AM

    No anxiety/depression at work because it's work. She knows what needs to be done so she focuses on that.

  13. Squeege4:14 AM

    Maybe it's not depression. Maybe she's just a bit lazy when she's not working. It's quite common

  14. agree, her autobiographical book 'Bossypants' is ironical, sarcastic & far away from funny-sunny...
    but this blind is abt 'mostly movie actress'...
    melissa or kristin ?

  15. Dina Lohan5:20 AM

    News Flash. You will be hard pressed to find a comedian that isn't. They are know for it in closeted town AKA Hollywood.

  16. I ate my own head5:57 AM

    Anniston. Her mother was a narcissist who made her that way.

  17. See, your coding would work if Enty was sane, but...

  18. Sandra Bullock

  19. Zilla12:23 PM

    It's Wiig.

    And Aniston specializes in romcoms, not straight comedies.
