Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Blind Item #7

Apparently this talk show host/wannabe superstar married to an A lister in his corner of the entertainment world wants to be even bigger. She has totally transformed her body via the knife and also her face. She used to have a great look but thinks the way to go is to look like that A list reality family. Shame.


  1. Tricia131:32 AM

    Lala Anthony/Carmelo hubby
    The Kardashians are her role models ugh

  2. MontanaMarriott1:45 AM

    For years transexuals were hated/shunned because they did not resemble "real women" and now you have these chicks who have pumped their lips, butts and surged themselves to transsexual proportions being epitomized as the new example of female beauty. That is some funny @$$ $hit I tell ya.

  3. Missy1:59 AM

    Not sure here but Enty- please give us 411 on Brangelina. The part about her seeking sole custody with only visitation to him does make it sound like the part about the weed alcohol and anger issues to be true. Also, if that is true, then it certainly takes out of the equation any notion that she is a hard-core druggie. And that's all assuming that it is not over an affair with Marion C. Ah the irony. Jen has to be laughing her ass off

  4. I'm sure Carmelo loves Lala looking trannyesque. Heck, prefers it even.

  5. Dutch2:37 AM

    So true.

  6. Lala looney has been knifing herself up for years...I met her at the billboard awards when she was still a radio dj and she looks nothing like she did nearly 20 yrs ago...i'll leave it at that

  7. she had a beautiful eyes...
    she has the dead fish ktrash'an's style 2 black holes...

  8. Kno Won Uno5:38 AM

    It's probably wrong that I'm amused by the thought that no one has any idea what their children will look like because they don't know what their *partner* looks like in real life half the time. Everyone's in disguise.

  9. Hot cola7:59 AM

    @MontanaMarriott, I couldnt agree with you more
    Why would every 40+ woman on "Reality" T.V encouraged to look like a Drag Queen or Clown?
    I personally think its misogyny. Just another form.
