Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Blind Item #6

This A list mostly television actress who does headline movies from time to time and even does standup had some recent viral fame for telling off a member of her audience. It was staged. Everything said on both sides was scripted before hand.


  1. Tricia131:01 AM

    Amy Shumer

  2. Tricia131:03 AM

    And the Swedish guy who asked to see her t**s

  3. Amy trying to garner some good press.

  4. rayday1:47 AM

    I just don't get her appeal

  5. Majik8bong1:48 AM

    Cannot stand this woman.

  6. June Gordon2:12 AM

    She's the Lena Dunham of Amy Schumers.

  7. Did Amy and JLaw break up?
    So, devastated if they did!*
    Some India news magazine/paper is saying JLaw is in detox.
    Anyone have any proof of this?

  8. I ate my own head2:20 AM

    Amy blubber gut Shumer. Total Hack.

  9. FakeHousewife3:02 AM

    It would be really nice if we could dislike Amy Schumer without body shaming her.

  10. lemon swizzle3:25 AM

    I'm not a fan of body shaming either, but I think with Amy Schumer, it's a natural response to the ISN'T SHE SO HOT AND BEAUTIFUL narrative. As far as I can tell, the chick never takes a photo with all of her clothes on.

  11. Hothotheat3:27 AM

    1000+ This. And let's extend that to include everyone.

  12. Tiggytiti3:28 AM

    Amy is a recycled Chelsea Handler with a stronger sense of entitlement

  13. Guesser3:39 AM

    If she didn't claim to be a size six, other people would be defending her. She basically body shamed the plus sized women featured in the article, even though it was called any size, she was saying I'm not fat like them!

  14. lena & amy r from the same tribe of unfunny comedians
    who pretend to be 'progressive & intellectual',but all they talk about r their private parts...
    viva nepotista!

  15. Whywhywhy???3:46 AM

    Why the hell would JLaw pick Amy? No accounting for taste. She'd have to be on drugs... Ger thee to a rehab fast...

  16. Kno Won Uno4:06 AM


  17. Kno Won Uno4:08 AM

    Yes, it was on other sites. Schumer ran her mouth to anyone who would listen about every personal thing JLaw told her, so the friendship is no more.

  18. Kno Won Uno4:11 AM

    Yeah, that was a severely wrong note.
    "Hey, I'm not fat, but even if I am, I'm not THAT fat"
    She's a jerk, that's why I don't like her.

  19. texasrose5:15 AM

    Schumer finally figured out she was JLaw's duff.

  20. Hot Cola7:09 AM

    Exactly. There's nothing new, daring, or inventive about them. Every B-ring stand up comedian ( female), in the early 90's was better than them.
    Not sure why they are in the spot light.

  21. Reality8:26 AM

    Is she has a rodent-like face body shaming?

  22. Reality8:28 AM

    Totie Fields was a large woman but she was so, so funny and likable. I miss her.

  23. SnarkIsFun9:50 AM

    I put Amy Schumer, Lena Dunham, & Chelsea Handler, all in the same category: as unfunny people who are extremely annoying, on top of it. They can all go live with the Kartrashians on some island, where the rest of us never have to hear from them again.

  24. Khleesa2:59 AM

    You are my spirit animal.
