Friday, September 09, 2016

Blind Item #5

This closeted A- list mostly movie actor has at least one franchise. He might have another but the movie is supposed to be crap. He has a great movie he is promoting right now but he might want to try and change from the clothes he partied in all night with the guy he ended up hooking up with prior to doing the overseas morning show run. Apparently he smelled even worse than he looked.


  1. MontanaMarriott12:53 AM

    Chris Pine?

  2. MontanaMarriott12:55 AM

    Hell or High Water is the movie and the franchise that is crap I am sad to report is Wonder Woman

  3. Tricia1312:55 AM

    +1 Star Trek and Wonderwoman being the bomb. Him and those snug suits lol....

  4. so if every actor in hollywood gay according to entry?

  5. Boredtechindenver1:18 AM

    People tend to hang out in the groups where they are most comfortable, and "The Arts" have long been gay friendly. That does not mean that every man in Hollywood is gay, but there is probably a higher percentage of gay men in Hollywood than in the general population.That is why i told friends who had no talent, but wanted to hit on good looking women to join the theater department on the stage crew.

  6. Ya hit the nail on the head!!

  7. gopats2:37 AM

    yeah. Chris has a serious drinking problem by now. Just went to his IG tag and there are many pics from the GQ after party where he's painfully drunk. He might be Bisexual thou, because he has a string of C listers he dated and I'm not sure its just bearding.

  8. hollah3:02 AM

    ? i went to his instagram -- -- and don't see any party pics. where are they?

  9. Dutch3:03 AM

    According to Enty isn't every actor in every franchise gay?

  10. gopats3:22 AM

    read again please: I said I went through his tag (#chrispine) and many fan accounts posted pics pf the after party, even videos. He's drunk as fuck. Of course an official account wouldn't post pics of him drunk, don't ya think?

  11. Not every actor.
    Just 80% of actors -- according to Anthony Perkins' boyfriend in 1984 while I worked on the film"Crimes of Passion."

  12. MalibuBobby6:21 AM

    This has Robert Pattinson's name all over it.

  13. LadyJane9:14 AM

    Jeremy Renner is promoting that Arrival movie. He has the Avengers and one Bourne movie.
