Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Blind Item #4

This cable host who has a more lucrative main job is making her cable bosses nervous. Apparently she is really pushing the boundaries of what they feel comfortable with in her personal life and are afraid she is going to bring it to some show. Hey, her celebrity boyfriend is definitely under her spell too. His parents say that once he started dating his girlfriend he stopped speaking to them entirely.


  1. Tricia1312:31 AM

    Erin Andrews?

  2. Tricia1312:32 AM

    Dating Jarret Stoll still....

  3. sandybrook2:25 AM

    It's not Erin because she doesn't have a talk show. But I haven't got another host.

  4. Hothotheat3:22 AM

    Is Nancy Grace still on the air?

  5. Kno Won Uno4:05 AM

    She's way married and has two youngish children. She's definitely insane af, though.

  6. Damn Yankees5:36 AM

    Amber rose? She got dragged on Twitter the other day for revealing she had a threesome a hour before visiting Wiz and her son. Idk who she's dating right now, but is still hooking up w Wiz (ex husband) so maybe that's who enty is referring to? Everything else fits I think

  7. shakey6:50 AM

    Who does that? "Hey everybody! I just did the wobbly H with some guys I barely know. Now off to screw the ex and see my kid! Later!"
